Hidden Talent

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It wasn't long before both cops, and people in suits who identified themselves as child protective services, crowded the room.

It was overwhelming, to say the least.

I did my best to tune out the noise of all their talking, but it became even harder to do that once the questions were directed to me.

I tried to answer the first few, but after awhile it felt like they were coming from every direction.

My walls were closing in as the buzz of their noise became louder and louder.

That was until a familiar figure grabbed my hand, and gently pulled me out of the room.

I heard the door shut behind me, and the noise and ringing slowly began subsiding.

I slowly unclenched my fists, and took some deep breaths.

"Open your eyes kiddo, they're gone, it's just us."

Realizing that they were still shut, I willed my eyelids to move, coming face to face with a concerned Luke.

"Are you feeling okay, you're looking really pale." He said, putting an arm behind me in case I fell.

"I think so?"

"You think you feel okay?" He asked, nodding at someone behind me.

"I can't really feel much of anything right now." I said, as Luke guided me into the wheel chair a nurse had brought up to us.

"I understand." He said simply, kneeling down in front of me.

"Do you need me to go get Ashton, he's still in the office with the police if you need him."

I shook my head at the offer.

"I don't really feel the panic anymore, just the physical effects." I explained.

"I'm going to take you to Calum to get you checked out."

"No, it's fine." I insisted, "I'm really okay."

"It wasn't a question." He said, in all seriousness. "I just want to get your vital checked, it'll take a few minutes tops."

I could tell there was no point in arguing with him, even if this did seem pointless.

"Thanks for pulling me out back there." I said, in an attempt to loosen him up as he rolled me down the hall.

"Of course. I could tell something was up, it was like you had left your body there for a second."

"That's what it felt like, honestly."

He hummed in response, as we rounded another corner.

"What do you do for fun?" I asked, changing the topic to him.

"I do a lot of writing." He replied as he pushed the wheel chair into an exam room.

"What do you write."

"Ehh, mostly just songs."

Now that peaked my interest.

"No way-"

He smirked, while he disinfected the exam table with a wipe.

"Do you write lyrics or like sheet music?"

"Both." He shrugged, now leaning on the counter, fully relaxed.

"What instruments do you play?" I asked, eager to know more about this hidden talent.

"Mostly guitar, but some piano as well."

"Have you finished a song?"

"Yep, quite a few actually." He said.

"Can I hear-"

" Nope."

"Oh come on!" I stressed. "You can't tease people like that."

"I think you should let her hear one." Calum said, as walked in front of me and slipped on a pair of gloves.

"See, Calum agrees with me." I pleaded.

"Not gonna happen."

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