Good News

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"Luke!" I shouted, jogging up the hospital hallway to catch up to him.

"What's wrong, Ashton?" He asked, having stopped mid-hallway in a panic.

"Everything's okay," I assured him "I just have a question."

"What's up?" He asked.

"Alice just informed me of possible abuse. Can I-"

"You can hold her." He finished for me. "That's all the reason you need," he stated with a smile.

I mentally cheered at the victory.

Obviously, I wished she was never in this situation.

However, I'm happy that she was brave enough to tell me she is.

Now, I can at least keep her out of Juvie a little longer.

"I'll go grab the paperwork, meet me in the lounge," Luke stated.

"I'll go talk to the police." I turned, walking toward the family waiting area, when Luke shouted.

"Talk to the chief, he's the most reasonable."

"Thanks!" I shouted back.

I rounded the corner and approached the waiting area.

"Can I speak with the chief, please?" I asked, looking at the three officers. One of the men, the more burly one, stood and walked over to me.

"What's the word doc?" He asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm afraid we'll need to keep her longer than originally intended." I lied through my teeth, it was always intended, in fact, it was the goal.

"Are you serious?" One of the other officers said, now coming to a stand.
The chief put his hand out, gesturing for his coworker to stand down.

"Can I ask why?" He spoke, looking back toward me.

"That's confidential information, I'm sorry."

No part of me wanted to betray her trust. I told Luke the bare minimum, and I didn't have to tell these men anything.

"The fucking hell you'll tell us why." The same officer as before spoke from behind the chief.

"That would be infringing on HIPAA." I explained, ignoring the man's choice words.

"Inmate 209 is under our patrol, we are entitled to know what's keeping her here."

"She has a name." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Not to us she doesn't." The officer spat.

"I have no information for you." I finished, before stalking off.

I wanted nothing more than to punch both of them.

Which, as a psychiatrist I must admit isn't the right way to handle anger.

However, they weren't handling themselves the correct way either.

I made my way back to the lounge to meet Luke and sign the paperwork he had been nice enough to grab.

"I have the documents, but I'm going to ask you honestly, Ashton." He said all seriousness in his voice. "Are you confident that there may be some validity to her claim?" He asked, looking to me.

"Positive." I spoke.

"Then I have no problem being the second person to sign off on her holding her." He said.

"Thank you, Luke."

"I trust your call Ashton." He spoke, simply, as he signed the bottom of the paperwork. I smiled, as I signed in the second blank.

Michael came in shortly after, looking between the two of us back and forth.

"Did I miss something?" He asked.

"A lot." Me and Luke spoke in unison.


"I need you to do another work up on Alice, check for any signs of abuse." Luke instructed, now grabbing his stethoscope.

"So, a general work up and a skin search?" He asked.

"That would be perfect" I spoke for Luke, "thanks Michael."

Michael gave me a short thumbs up, right before his pager went off with a 911 call.
With all the paper work being done, and Michael having to go deal with a medi flight, I decided to head back to Alice's room.

It was time to tell her the good news.

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