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A bright light shined in one eye, and then the other. I could faintly hear two peoples voices, conversing in the back ground. As much as I tried to interact and see where the light was coming from, I couldn't. Everything, including my body, felt heavy and numb. I tried with everything in me look around, but my eyelids were sealed shut. I couldn't feel my fingers or my toes, and what I could feel scared me. I was sinking, deep and far down. My heart was racing, and I couldn't catch my breath. Slowly, the peoples voices became clearer.

"Is she okay?!" One voice asked, in a panicked tone.

"I'm not sure yet, can you go inside and request a gurney?" The other voice responded.

Something was pressed against my wrist, and it felt uncomfortable.

"What's her pulse?" A female voice asked.

"150." The male replied.

"Here's the gurney." The female spoke again. Soon after, I felt myself being lifted and placed onto something, I was laying flat on my back. At least I could feel something, now.


Too bright.

And blurry

So damn blurry.

"Hi sweetie, my names doctor Hood. Can you tell me your name?" The male asked. It was the same one who took my pulse, I recognized his voice.

"Alice." I heard my own voice crack out in amidst of all the chaos. We were going at a fast pace, past bright lights and loads of doctors. Doctor hood ran beside the bed, looking to me and then to my vital signs.

"What happened, Alice? Do you remember?" Hood asked.

I did my best to shake my head no, but moving still felt hard. We entered a large room where my bed was rolled into the middle and then I was hooked to many machines. I once again felt trapped and helpless. I hated that feeling... helplessness.

So, logically I did what anyone would do in that situation.

I fought.

Nurses swarmed holding me still and doing their part in trying to calm me, but I thrashed around and pulled away. I was doing anything in my power to become free. All the wires they had attached to me fell to the floor. Leaving on the sticky parts that they had connected to my chest. A loud beeping alarm was sounding as the vital monitors soared. Some were screaming because my heart rate was to high, and other alarms sounded because there was nothing left to monitor but the tile floor. Soon, I felt a sharp prick, followed by a cold rush in my left arm.

My body once again felt numb and cold. I couldn't move anymore, and I didn't have the willpower to scream. I felt so tired, and drained all at once. When I looked to my left, I saw what had happened. Dr. Hood stood holding a large needle that once held some kind of tranquilizer medicine. Tears slipped out of my eyes, as nurses slowly stood and allowed my body to fully relax. Soon, darkness took over my eyes for a second time. Though, this time I welcomed the pitch black, anything was better than facing the present. I needed to escape.

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