Too Far

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In that very moment, I felt panicked. I've done a lot of really stupid things in my life, but never anything bad enough to get... arrested. As the cop left to get something from his car, my parents began their ranting.

"You graffitied?!" My dad questioned, franticly.

"Yeah. I guess so."

"You guess so? It's a yes or a no question, Alice." He responded.

"Yes. I did." I said, shamefully.

"Don't be remorseful now, it's too late Alice." My mom said.

"I do hope you realize that what you did is a felony." My dad said.

"A felony?" I questioned.

"Yes. It means that what you just did will require that you go to court. It's rare that people who are felons get out without any jail time." He explained.

My heart sunk as he said that. I would most likely be going to jail. I hung my head low, and stayed silent.

The cop came back in and wasted no time getting to work.

"Alright, Mrs. Landry. You are officially under arrest, please put your hands behind your back." The cop instructed.

I did as he said, I was already in deep trouble, I didn't want things to get any worse.

He clicked the hand cuffs into place, before leading me to the door. As we exited he looked to my parents.

"You'll both need to come down to the station, she'll have plenty of paper work that you both will need to fill out."

"We'll be there shortly." I heard my dad say from behind me.

The cop gave a solid nod before leading me out of the door, and into his cop car. As he shut the cars door, I realized just how screwed I really was. There was no way that my parents could afford a good lawyer for court, I would be stuck with a court appointed one. Everyone knows that the free lawyers rarely win. This is it, I'm officially a criminal and soon to be juvenile delinquent.

I could see the police station come into view as we waited at a red light. We live in a relatively small town, so it was safe to assume that I would only be temporarily held at this station before being transferred to a court house. That next station would be where I would stay until after the court trial. Then it will depend on if I go to jail or not. If they decide to give me time, I'll go to the closest juvenile prison. If they don't, I'll be taken home and then it will be a matter of tickets, and court ordered parole.

I'm doubtful that they'll let me go, since this isn't my first crime. However, it is my first crime to this degree, I've never done anything this bad. I fucked up this time, I went too far.

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