Vein Trouble

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"You really are a tricky stick aren't you.." Calum said, as he struggled the same way Luke had.

Alice put up a half smile.

Soon Luke re-entered the room, with a machine wheeling behind him.

"Nice!" Calum cheered as he helped Luke hook up the red light scanner.

Alice watched as Luke turned off the light and flipped the on switch. The red light was shone onto her arm, and her veins became visible through her skin.

Alice became immediately nauseous at the sight, and she suppressed a few gags.

"You alright?" Luke asked as Calum tied the band back around her arm.

She shook her head no, and gagged once more.

Luke bolted up and grabbed one of the blue bags on the wall, he handed it too her just in time as she threw up.

"Yikes," Calum said, looking over at her. "Someone's not a blood person."

Luke chuckled as he sat beside her.

"Just look at me and ignore him for a bit," he instructed.

Alice just nodded into the bag and turned away.

Soon enough Calum found that magic vein he had been searching for and got a successful draw from her.

Luke went to turn on the lights, as Calum slipped in an iv in order to not have to search once again later on.

"I'm going to start her on some fluids." He said, looking toward Luke.

"You my little lady, need to drink more." Luke said, nudging her.

"Can I talk to Ashton?" Alice responded, ignoring the two doctors that were in front of her.

Luke cringed, and looked as if he was debating the request.

"What's wrong with her seeing Ash?" Calum asked, concerned.

Luke shook his head and looked toward Alice.

"Let me go talk to him, and we'll go from there, okay?" She nodded back at him in confirmation.

They both stepped out into the hallway as Calum waited for some sort of explanation.

"They got into it." Luke said, "and it was partly my fault."

"What are you talking about?"

"I told Ashton that a drug test had been ordered and just warned him to keep his guard up a little. You know how he is. He gets attached and involved." Calum shook his head, indicating that he did, in fact, know that.

"What's wrong with that?" Calum asked, still confused.

"She's under investigation, and she was in the possession of drugs, chances are she's not staying around here long. She's off to juvie. You and I both know that if Ashton helps her, it'll break him."

"You don't think you're being slightly protective right now? His job literally involves helping treat those with mental issues, which includes those who commit crimes.  He knows what he's doing." Calum responded, trying to reason with him.

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