Chapter 60

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Reine Parker

It wasn't a dream. How I wished that all that happened was just a dream. But reality was cruel, because Ari had indeed been taken away. 

As much as I know that that bitch took her away was just to use Ari as a leverage, I was not sure if she would harm her in any sort of way. I'm only certain for a fact that she hates me, but I could not be certain if she feels the same way about Ari. Nevertheless, we can't afford to waste any more time on delaying the matter. 

Attempting on getting off the bed, Roman and Elijah both grabbed my wrists at the same time and stopped me. 

"Where are you going?" Roman frowned, as I tried to pull his grip off me. 

"To get Ari back, of course." I stated blankly. 

"You need to rest, we will work on it and make sure to get Ari back." Alexander chimed in. 

"Oh really? Then tell me how's your investigations going and in which direction it's actually heading towards." I shot back at him. 

"We are looking into the car plates used and we have one of the men down at the basement." It was hard to control myself to not swing a punch at his face by now. It was amusing to see a mafia leader to be sharp but yet so stupid and clueless at the same time. 

"And kindly enlighten me how many years are you going to take this time to track down the culprit?" I replied sarcastically. 

None of them replied. I closed my eyes shut for a moment, as a short wave of pain flashed through my abdomen. 

Composing myself a little, I broke the silence, "Forget about whatever investigation you are doing, go and track down Caroline Monet instead." All eyes were on me as I muttered out the name, as though it was their first time hearing it. It was either I was being extra violent from the anaesthesia or that everyone looked so fucking frustrating to me as of this moment. 

"You think it's her?" Ezra Romano asked. I nearly scoffed at his question. Are they even for real here? 

"Think? I don't just simply think of her as a suspect, I'm positive that she was the one orchestrating the whole accident. Just track her down, please." The beeping of the heart monitor frustrated me beyond point that I yanked it off my finger. 

Thankfully, none of them continued questioning me and headed downstairs to work on it. Looking at Elijah, I spoke, "I want to head down and join the investigations, I'm fine now, really." He looked hesitant for a moment, but agreed to let me down the bed anyways. 

Roman slowly helped me off the stairs as we finally reached the ground floor. I took a seat beside Vince, who looked at me in worry. I glanced at Lucas and some of the Romano's hackers typing away on their laptops, trying to locate Caroline Monet's location or at least the place where she was last seen.

It was then when Damian took a laptop with him and started running his fingers swiftly across the keyboard. I think I did not mention that he was actually a pro at hacking. But anyways, the point was that he was typing furiously as well. He had removed the cast from his arm and started typing away like there's no tomorrow. 

I guess I was slightly more calmed seeing how Damian was helping out too. 

After what seemed to be 30 minutes, Damian announced, "Found her last location." All of us looked up as he projected the location onto the wall across the room. It was about 3km away from where we had the accident. 

We could not locate anything else because there was literally nothing in that area. The hope in me slight diminished when a wild idea popped up in my mind. 

"Damian, can you find a way to contact her?" I asked, as bewildered eyes landed on me. If all she wants was to kill me, she must be waiting for me to take a first move so I will gladly do it. Damian nodded his head and began typing away on his keyboard once again. 

Within minutes, Damian looked up from the screen and replied, "I've sent a signal to her, we'll have to wait to see if she will respond to it." I nodded my head at him, silently praying that she will contact me upon seeing. She have to. 

True enough, my phone started ringing with the screen showing an unknown caller on it. Silence wrapped around the tensed atmosphere as I picked up the call.

"You are surprisingly faster than I expected. So, did you have fun tracking me down?" She broke into laughter over the line, while I coldly replied, "Cut the crap, Caroline. What do you want us to do in order for you to release Ari?" 

"It's more of what you can do for me in order to get your twin back, Avery." Her tone darkened, as I felt Vince's hand softly gripped onto mine. 

"I'm sure you already know what I want, so I don't think there's a need to play a guessing minds game." She added, while the rest of them looked as though they want to jump out of their seats and questioned me about it. 

"I do know, but first, you have to let me hear Ari's voice in order to give you what you want, no?" The line on her side rustled slightly, as Ari's voice broke out, "Reine! You can't come here! She wants to kill you!" 

"Ari, listen to me. We will get you out no matter what the price is, so until then, hang in there, okay?" The line got hung up even before I could hear her reply. 

"What the fuck was that?" Lorenzo bolted up from his seat, and so did Mason. 

Before I could reply, a message tone interrupted us. She had sent me the exact location of where she was, signifying that I should head to her. Another message popped up which stated the date and time of the meet up. 3 days from now, at 8pm. 

She added that she will immediately blow up the entire building if I were to show up with any back ups. Typical her. 

"What did she mean by she wants you there?" Alexander questioned as I tossed the phone on the table top for them to see the messages. 

"She wants me dead, just like how she wanted to kill dad before. Perhaps because of that night. All she wanted from the very start was to avenge for her family, she never loved him but she married him in order to take revenge on him. She believed that he was the one who killed her previous husband." I sighed as I revealed the truth that no one knew besides me, myself and I.

Everyone appeared shocked at the sudden relevance, which made me even more amused. Top mafia gang, they said. Yet they knew so little about what was going on in their own family. 

"Father was not the one who killed him, if you are wondering. I believed that it was one of his alliance in the past who had a fell out with him and killed him. Just that dad happened to appear at the scene at the wrong time which made her think that he was the murderer." I added. 

"Even if that's the case, you are not going there alone to face her." Roman gruffed out. 

"I know, that's why I'm sitting here peacefully trying to tell you about my plans." I crossed my leg over the other, waiting for them to finally listen to my plan. 

It's about damn time for us to put an end to this decade long revenge of hers.

updated! really happy to see the soar in the number of comments that you guys have commented and also the votes! 

Happy reading! -13/12/2022

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