Chapter 58

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Reine Parker

Lorenzo recovered in the span of two days, and he was as good as before as though he was not shot at all. And I went back to work as well, though the guilt in my heart was still there. No one knew that the shoot out started because of us, they all believed that it was a simple mafia gang which happened to be running wild at our hospital. The matter was soon forgotten and the hospital returned to its usual busy state. 

My day ended off at 7pm in the evening, given that I was not the one on duty for tonight and I have a day off tomorrow. As I stepped out of the hospital, Vince's car was already parked at the entrance, waiting for me to appear. The exhaustion on my face instantly vanished the moment I saw him flashing a smile to me. He had been picking me up from work everyday since the night we told each other our feelings, except for a few days when he was caught up with work and was unable to make it. 

Burying myself in his arms, I let out a sigh of relief as I felt his arms wrapped around my body. It felt so warm in the cold evening. 

"Tired, hm?" He asked, as we stood by the side of his car and finally pulled apart as I stifled a yawn. 

Although I was having a free day today, I had informed Vince that I would be spending the day with Ari instead as we have not been spending much time together ever since I moved back in. Though he was fine with it, he made sure that I was going to leave my next off day for him by making me do a pinky promise with him. Scary mafia men, they said.

Ari was exhilarated when I informed her of my off day and had started planning our trip. 

The morning soon arrived and we had finished with our breakfast by 8.10am in the morning. Roman came downstairs and saw us dressed up and asked, "Heading out? Do you need me or Damian to follow you guys?" He had been especially on his guard ever since the shooting at the hospital, not that I could blame him but I was more vigilant than before as well. Because we never know when that woman will strike again, especially when she probably has her eyes on us constantly. 

I bit the inner side of my lips as I hesitated, as much as I did not want anyone to follow us on our trip, I did not want to take any risk especially not when I'm with Ari. 

"If any of you happen to be free now, mind following us then?" I asked as Roman nodded his head and whipped out his phone as he dialled for Damian. He then told me that he had to make a trip back to England to settle one of his many businesses so he would not be around for the next few days. But Damian would be around since Roman was worried about my safety here. 

Within 1 minute, Damian appeared by the stairs as he headed out of the house to get the car. 

"Settle your business and don't worry about me, I will be fine here." I assured Roman as he sighed, "I know, just couldn't help but to worry. Just stay safe no matter what, okay?" I pulled him into a hug before bidding farewell and left in the car with Ari and Damian. 

What Ari planned for the trip was amazing, given that I had never toured around the city much before, she had planned out a whole day worth of activities for us to be occupied with. Damian was silently following behind us when I sternly told him to walk beside us. He only gave in when I shot him a death glare and pretended to be fed up with him. 

Good times always passes by so quickly in the blink of an eye and it was close to 6pm in the evening that we realised it was time to head back. We climbed into the car the moment Damian parked it along the curb and was on our way home. 

While Ari was busy chattering about our day, I soon noticed three black cars which had been behind us for quite a while ever since we left the cafe. 

"Damian, do you think they are following us?" I asked, as he looked over to the rearview mirror and nodded firmly, "I realised it too, will try to shake them off for now. Hold on tight." With that, he stepped on the accelerator as he took turns after turns, trying to get rid of the cars which were tailing us.

Remembering what Roman's words were, I took out my phone as I dialled for Alexander's number and asked for assistance. 

"We will be there soon, just hang in there Ave." He assured as I cut off the line. The cars behind were getting dangerously close just as I witnessed one of the guys from the cars pulled out a gun and took aim at us. 

Pushing Ari down, I yelled, "He's shooting at us!" In a split second, the glass behind us shattered into pieces as bullets flew in and pieces of glass landed everywhere. I held tightly onto Ari's hand, as I took out my gun from the bag. I had been carrying a gun with me ever since I found out that she was coming after us. It was always good to be safe than sorry. 

Hearing that the shootings have died down, I took the opportunity to emerge from below and took aim at the car tires of the cars and made sure that they skidded off the road. Two cars were down and the last one was slightly harder to aim because they were moving too fast. Damian managed to shoot 3 of them down while driving. No wonder he is Roman's right hand man.

As I took my aim on the last car, I heard the sound of a car screeching before feeling the sudden overturn of our car and all I could hear was the sound of glass shattering. The tumbling of the car finally came to a stop and the ringing in my ears grew louder. 

I could not move any part of my body but I could see a few pairs of legs in black boots standing around the car. Ari. Damian. 

The last thing that appeared in my vision was Ari's hand before everything turned dark as I fell into darkness.

updated! finally back from hiatus and I had just finished one of my papers today so 2 more to go! able to take a quick and short break because the past few days had been hell trying to memorise all the nutrition and diseases JNWSJWNWN 

celebrating the start of a new month with a new chapter, tysm for the wait <3

Happy reading! -2/12/2022

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