Chapter 29

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Ariana Romano

Alex suggested a family trip to England after a few days, reason being to celebrate my graduation. And also a form of family bonding, since we have not done so since the longest time. He decided to take a short break off from his work, despite the piling documents that was laying in his office. The rest of them did the same, even Enzo who rarely take time off form his work. 

I was sitting on the floor in my room as I was packing for the upcoming trip which was in 3 days time. My thoughts went back to the day when I happened to meet Vincenzo at the cemetery. It's been a while since anyone from our family had seen him. Though Uncle Francesco would still visit our house to discuss about business with Alex and the rest, we have never seen Vincenzo coming over here anymore for the past 4 years. 

We did talk a little at the cemetery, and he was there for the same reason as me. To inform Eliz about his graduation. To share his joy with her. To make it feel as though she was still here with us, just in another way. 

Alexander Romano

"That will be all, just keep in mind to keep our men in check. Inform me right away if anything happens." Micheal, my trusted right-hand man nodded sternly at my words. 

We were finally going on a trip after so many years, just that this time round Avery was not with us. I know that none of us deserve to be happy after all those crap that we've done to Avery, but Ari was innocent in this. She deserved to feel happy, especially when she had just graduated. 

What surprised me the most was that even Enzo cancelled all his work just to go on this impromptu trip with us. It was a progress. 

We had visited England before, when our family was still intact. And dad loved England the most besides Italy. But we stopped visiting ever since dad died. Going back again will probably relieve all those happy memories that we once had, but those memories were worth to be relieved again. 

3 days later 

"Theo! If you don't get your ass up in the next 10 seconds, I will make sure to punch a hole through your bed." Enzo hollered, while pounding his fist at the door. It was 9 in the morning and we were going off at 10. 

I sipped the cup of coffee carefully, while scrolling through the documents on the iPad. Eli was still packing some of his medicines, which he stated that it will come into handy when the time arrives. Ari was already dressed and got her luggage down and was now having her breakfast. 

Missus Dai was still busy in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for the rest of us. I had previously offered her to join us on the trip as she was considered as part of our family as well, given that she had been here for decades. But she declined my offer, and told us to enjoy ourselves there and not to worry about anything. Although she was not joining us for the trip, she was still excited for us as it was our very first trip in such a long time. 

I just hope that we will at least be able to relax ourselves there for a short while. 

Reine Parker

Stifling a yawn, I blinked a few times to get rid of the accumulated tears in my eyes as I tried to focus on the breakfast ahead of me. 

"Geez, you look like shit." Roman was dressed in his usual white collared shirt and took a seat at the head of the table, while judging my appearance. 

"Tell me who can still look good after staying up till almost 5 in the morning?" I stabbed the piece of sausage harder than usual and Damian appeared out of nowhere and placed a cup of hot chocolate in front of me. 

My eyes immediately opened up and grinned widely at him. I grabbed the cup and smiled,"Thank you! The hot chocolate you make are the best!" The hot and smooth sip of hot chocolate went down my throat as I sighed in contentment. 

Roman scowled at Damian and chimed in,"Mine is far better than this." Damian scoffed at his comment and walked away. Even I had to scoff at his words. 

"Whatever floats your boat, Mr Parker." I continued sipping the hot chocolate in my hand while Roman gulped down his coffee. Hot chocolate are better than coffee. I don't even know how people like Roman can drink so much coffee everyday without getting disgusted.

After breakfast, I got dressed and was ready to head out. I had a month's worth of holidays before the start of my internship at one of the well known hospitals in England. And I was going to make use of the break to catch up more so that I will be able to pass the internship with flying colours. 

"Heading out?" Roman smooth down his sleeve collars as he walked out of his room. 

I nodded my head at his question and replied,"Yeah, going to look for some books in town and study them over the break." He walked over and stretched out his hand, ready to ruffle my hair but I moved away in time and glared hard at him. 

"Don't you dare mess up my efforts." I pointed my finger and squinted my eyes narrowly at him. Little did I know that I got ambushed from behind. A pair of strong hands quickly ruffled my hair and Roman's laughter broke out. 

I already figured out who that was and without any delay, I moved back my elbow in an 'L' shape and managed to hit Damian right in his abdomen. He immediately hunched over in pain as Roman laughed even harder. I swear I'm going to get the strongest tape that I can find and tape up his mouth someday.

"This is telling both of you to never mess with a girl's hair, especially in the early morning." I pat down on my hair, attempting to straighten them out, but in vain. I groaned in annoyance. Roman placed his arm around my shoulders and guided me out of the house,"Come on Ray, that hairstyle suits you. I will be late if we don't leave now." Roman loves calling me Ray, probably because the name Reine sounded like Ray when you pronounce it quickly. 

He dropped me off at town, then he drove off with Damian for his company. Upon getting off the car, I looked around the surroundings and found many bookstores hidden at the corner while many tall office buildings were in the area. 

Suddenly, at the corner of my eyes, I noticed a little girl was chasing after something and got to the middle of the road. To my horror, a car was approaching her at a dangerously fast speed. Disregarding the consequences, my first instinct was to sprint towards the little girl and get her out of harm's way. 

My eyes widened as I tried to grip her arm and the car was going to hit us at anytime soon. 



Happy reading! -29/9/2022

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