Chapter 30

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Mateo Romano 

The car slowly drove through the buzzing streets, while I silently glanced out of the windows. It has been so long since we are back again. The last time we were here was nearly 20 years ago. How fast time passed by. The only difference now was that dad and Avery are not with us this time. 

Although all of us looked as though we have let go of the past, the fact that we have blamed Avery for something that she had not done for years was something that we cannot let go forever, and must not let go. It was what we deserved. 

As I pushed down the surfacing feeling of guilt, a sight on the road caught my attention. A woman who had her back facing me pulled a young girl back from the dangerous road, just when the young girl was about to get run down by a car which was driving at a fairly fast speed. 

It was just in time that our car had came to a stop as it was red light. My attention was still focused on the pair, who managed to avoid the speeding car. The woman still had the girl hugged tightly in her embrace, while another woman came running towards the pair. 

She was probably the girl's mother, and by the looks of it, she was thanking the woman who had saved her child by bowing to her repeatedly after the pair got up from the ground and was ensured that the child was unharmed. 

Our car then drove off, without getting a chance to take a look at the woman's face. Her back view was strangely familiar but yet I could not pinpoint who exactly it was. But the courageous act that she did back then reminded me of both Avery and Ari, who would risk their lives to save others, no matter how dangerous the situation can get. 

Sighing at my thoughts, I turned my head back and laid back to my seat, pulling the headphones over my ears and closed my eyes. 

Reine Parker

"Thank you so much, there's nothing else I can say to express my gratitude." The woman continuously thanked me, despite the fact that I told her that it was just a small matter. 

"You're welcome, really. Just make sure next time you're holding onto her tightly whenever you will be occupied something along the streets." The girl was smiling widely at me, probably she completely had no idea how dangerous her actions were just now. 

I smiled back at her, pinching her chubby cheeks lightly as her smile got even wider if that was possible. 

"Oh no! You're bleeding, let me take you to the hospital for a check up." The frantic woman got worried as she noticed the scrapped wound on my elbow. It must have been scrapped against the ground when I fell onto the ground with the little girl. 

Waving my hands, I replied,"It's okay, just a small wound. I will handle it later." After much protest, the woman finally gave up and thanked me for the last time before we went on separate ways. Glancing at my bleeding wound, I looked around for a pharmacy. Unfortunately, there was none in sight so I decided to visit the bookstores first before heading to the mall for a pharmacy. 

It was a fruitful haul for the day as I had gotten at least four books which were no longer in publication. I had to lug home the heavy books as a small sting at my elbow causing me to hiss lowly at the pain. Shit, I forgot about that.

I used the remaining of my energy and lugged it to the shopping mall that was nearby to the bookstores. Scanning through the directory which was located at the front of the entrance, I finally located the pharmacy and headed up. 

Dabbing a little ointment onto the wound, I tore open the packaging of the bandage and pasted it on the wound. I then tossed away the rubbish at a nearby bin and decided to look around before hitching a cab home. 

A sudden ping came from my phone, as I whipped it out from my back pocket and looked at it. It was a text from Roman which wrote,'Where are you?'

Sending back a reply, I typed,'Mall, the one beside the bookstores.

A reply came instantaneously,'Ok, wait there. Let's have dinner there.' Sending an 'okay' emoji back, I stuffed my phone back into the pocket and picked up the heavy books and continued walking around the mall. 

Stopping at one of the restaurants, I snapped a picture and sent it to Roman, indicating with a text that said,'Want to dine here?

A few minutes later, Roman replied me with the same 'okay' emoji that I had sent him. I then decided to head into the restaurant to wait for them as I felt as though my legs were going to break from all the walk today. 

The waitress then guided me to a table near the very far end of the restaurant, just right next to another table. As I noticed that the lighting was getting dimmer towards the end, I asked the waitress,"Sorry, but is it possible for me to get another table with brighter lighting?" I feared dark areas ever since I woke up from my coma years back. Dr Martins suggested that it was probably due to me being in a coma for a long period of time. As for when the fear will be gone, no one could answer that. 

She nodded at my request then guided me to another table with brighter lighting now, which I was grateful for. Settling into my seat, I looked around the area and noticed that the restaurant was mildly packed. Probably it was not time yet. 

After a few minutes, several footsteps could be heard from behind as I noticed a group of people were heading towards the table at the back. To say I was shocked was an understatement. 

Why are they here?

My eyes widened in disbelief when I saw Alexander Romano's face as he stepped into the restaurant. Followed by the rest of them, I eventually noticed Bea, who was walking beside Mateo Romano. My heart started beating faster than ever at the sight of my twin. It's been so long since I've seen her. 

The only thing that brought me comfort right now was the fact that she was smiling. She was talking to her brothers, with a smile on her face. That was enough for me to know, at least she was smiling. And that definitely did not look like a forced or fake smile. 

Snapping back to reality, I realised that this was not the time to keep looking at my sister. I had to leave this place before they see me. I do not wish to encounter them here. Not when I'm still not ready to see any of them. Just as I picked up my phone from the table to send a message to Roman, telling him to head to another restaurant, a loud gun shot rang through the place.

A second of silence wrapped the restaurant before screams and cries were heard. People were screaming, while some were trying to run for their lives. More gun shot broke out in the restaurant, before I noticed some men in black emerged from various corners of the restaurant. 

Fucking hell, what a great evening. 

updated! apologies for the wait! been really inconsistent with the updates lately as I'm busy with my work so there's literally no time for me to update BJWISNJWISNJW 

please bear with my inconsistent updates as I'm trying to update whenever I'm free T_T

random question that just popped up in my head as I'm typing: do you guys prefer doing digital notes or hardcopy notes?

Happy reading! -2/10/2022

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