Chapter 42

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Roman Parker (surprise! I realised that I had not done a single Roman POV cause I actually forgot about it but here it is!)

I was shooting those men when I suddenly blacked out. Opening my eyes suddenly, I took a sharp intake of breath as the strong pungent smell of sanitiser rushed up my nostrils. I looked around and realised that I was at the infirmary in my house. Fuck, where's Ray?

Trying to sit up and remove the IV drip that was attached to the back of my hand, the sound of door knob unlocking was heard and a pair of hands stopped me from ripping out the needle.

"What the hell are you doing, Roman?" It was Ray's voice and I instantly looked up, but frowned almost within a second. Behind her were those stupid Romano. I almost scowled at them but the pain in my shoulder was back, given that the anaesthesia had worn off.

Ray narrowed her eyes at me when she noticed that I was still trying to sit up in the bed, so I had to lie back down again. She pulled up the blankets for me as I lied down. I didn't fail to notice the looks of jealousy and hurt that were plastered onto those people's faces. And it actually gave me a sense of satisfaction upon seeing their faces.

"Why are they here?" I asked, as I narrowed my eyes at them, who were standing right in front of the bed. Alexander Romano then stepped up and explained, "I was informed that you were attacked last night, and I couldn't get through you. So I decided to fly here and check on the situation."

"I understand that you want to check on the situation, but do you have to bring along your whole family for that?" I questioned, looking at all of them who were trying to fit themselves into this infirmary.

"We were all worried about Avery, and since you didn't pick up your calls, we thought something had happened to her." Elijah Romano spoke up.

"First of all, her name is Reine. Second of all, she's my sister, meaning that I will protect her no matter what. So there is no need for any of you to be worried for her. And lastly, so does this mean the next time that I don't pick up your calls, you will bring your whole family here again? I'm flattered but I hope that there's no next time." I had made sure to emphasise on the word 'sister', to make sure that they had gotten it clear in their heads.

Lorenzo Romano and Axel Romano were pissed, I could tell from the way they were clenching their fists. Not that I give a damn to that, but it feels oddly satisfying to be able to piss them off. Unfortunately, the adrenaline that I had gotten from just now had stopped pumping into my veins and I could feel the pain coming back as I hissed a little when I moved my upper body.

Ray immediately leaned forward to adjust the pillow as the crease between her eyebrows got deeper as she looked at me. I know how exactly she was feeling now. Guilty. Because I had took the bullet for her while she was trying to calm herself from the loud gunshots.

"Don't ever do that again, Roman. I swear, the next time you do it, I will take away one of your favourite guns." She muttered, looking at me with tears swimming at the brim of her eyes.

"As much as I love my guns, I can't promise you that because I would do it again and again if needed." I shrugged, making her glare at me. Even though we are not blood related, but she is my only family left besides Damian. It does not mean being blood related will define people as families. So no matter what, I will protect Ray with whatever I've got and whatever it takes. Because she is my sister.

Of course, if there will be a day when Ray decides to go back to her biological family, I will let her go back to them if that's what will make her happy. Her happiness and safety will always be my top priority.

Out of the blue, one of my men came running into the infirmary and announced that the bastard whom we had caught during the shootout last night had committed suicide by biting his tongue. He would rather choose death than to reveal the mastermind behind all these. The mastermind must be someone influential.

In order to discuss the matter, I had chased everyone out of the room, except for Alexander, Ezra Romano and Mason Romano who had requested to stay as well. Even Ray was chased out because I did not want her to get worried about the situation. Not when I had already gotten shot.

"I have a request, you don't have to agree if you don't wish to." Ezra Romano spoke, the man whom had aged so much over these years since the last time I've seen him. He used to be a big softy together with his brother, Ethan Romano, who had pampered his two nieces so much.

I nodded, waiting for him to continue. "I was thinking if you would like to move in to our mansion, so that at least if the enemy launch a sudden attack again, we have more hands to help." The three of them looked at me, as I pondered over their suggestions.

I'm sure as hell that Ray would not want to return to the place which had caused her so much misery. But the current situation was not in our favour, especially after last night's attack. I would have rejected their suggestion the moment they had proposed, if only I had more men with me. The German mafia had significantly decrease in power over the years after my parents' divorce. My father was no longer as involved in the business as much as he did before, thus it slowly became chaotic.

After his death, things got even messier as the people whom had been working with him had backed out on the business, as they had sworn to only follow my father. Even though I had worked hard to get more people on my side, not everyone can be trusted in this field of work. Therefore, it can be explained that how the mafia only had so little number of men working under me.

But this was not something that I can decide on my own, because it concerns Ray more than myself.

"I will consider it and give you an answer soon." I muttered, fearing for Ray's reaction when she gets to hear this.

The Romano are out to get me killed in Ray's hands someday.

updated! i've been trying out eyeliner these days and I still can't seem to draw it right LOL (struggling to control my trembling hands whenever the eyeliner gets close to my eyelids T_T)

thinking to get mascara since that looks easier but somehow I think I shouldn't be so confident

Happy reading! -15/10/2022

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