fifty one

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"oh sorry, that's charissa's lip gloss, i must have forgotten to wipe it off after i kissed her goodbye"

the girl's smile dropped almost instantly and formed into a face of shock as she can almost immediately feel the tears return, at a much faster pace this time. she locks eyes with the boy after the words leave his mouth as she recognises a seemingly devilish smile on nick's face.

"what the fuck?" she whispers, practically unable to do or process anything. a small chuckle and an eyeroll on nick's behalf make their way into ailee's already clouded mind, and her anger fulfils her. she can almost feel it pouring out of her as she stares at the boy who she had so dearly admired with nothing but rage. "who is charissa?" she asks

"oh please you have no right to be mad at me" nick says nonchalantly, taking a step back and sitting down on the bed as he continues staring up at the girl menacingly. "what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" she mutters out, her stare not leaving nick's, even for a moment. "the good thing about being in the public eye, is that you have a lot of people that can watch out for you. it came especially in handy yesterday when i was looking through my message requests and saw a bunch of screenshots of a certain someone flirting with another guy" he says, making ailee scoff at his pathetic monologue. "i have not even spoken to a guy with romantic intent since like, a week after we met. show me the messages" she says, her tone genuine and serious.

too bad nick couldn't pick up on that

"so you cheat on me and then shamelessly deny it? i have proof ailee." he yells, his raised voice sending the girl back with a flinch that falters her anger with fear for a split second, before the rage resides once more within her mind. she was at a loss for words, with no way to defend herself against nick, who had already made up his mind about the girl's situation. she was going to try, nonetheless.

"i did not cheat on you nick for gods sake you know how i feel about cheating" she says, attempting to remain calm with any effort left in her being. "there is literal proof" nick says, anger spitting through his gritted teeth as he stands up to tower over the girl. "show me it then" she says, not wanting to show the intimidation that was creeping through the back of her mind. nick angrily grabs his phone, searching through it for a while before shoving it into ailee's hands before returning to his seated position on the bed. ailee scoffs at the boy before looking down at the phone to see a series of screenshots of 'her' conversation with a random boy on instagram. she internally cringes at the conversation that takes place in the screenshots, the obvious editing making her question the boy's ability to pick apart even the most obvious fake photos.

it takes everything in ailee to not break down when a notification of a text from charissa appears while she reads through the messages. she places the phone down on the desk beside her and sits in the chair facing nick. "nick. do you pay any fucking attention to detail? the editing isn't even good, and you of all people should know that i don't even text like that. for fucks sake, nick, our entire relationship is built from us texting i'd hope you could at least recognise how i text" she speaks as calmly as she could through the flowing tears. the message from charissa had gotten to her.

"why would someone lie about that if it wasn't true? if you weren't fucking cheating on me?" nick retaliates, although he is holding up the act. he didn't think about that.

"you said it yourself! you're in the public eye. people want to ruin anything they can get their hands on and you were standing out in the open like a deer in fucking headlights" she sighs with her words, and although nick could now recognise he had messed up, he felt as though he needed to hold his ground. he stayed silent.

"so you see one shitty editing job and go make out with some other girl to get back at me for something i didn't even do? you're ridiculous" she says, standing up to leave but was blocked by nick's body standing in front of the door. "you have no proof you didn't do it ailee, it took a week of us being in a relationship for you to go out and hook up with another guy." he says, staring down at her once more. "i didn't go and hook up with another guy, god nick do you not have an ounce of trust in me?" she yells in his face. she had officially lost any sense of calm she had left in her and was out for blood.

"you want the truth? no! i don't. i do not trust you whatsoever. thats what cheating does to someone, you know?" he yells back.

fuck being out for blood. her blood ran cold. there is a different type of heartbreak that someone experiences when the one they thought was their best friend, the boy that could make her happy, tells her that he doesn't trust her. at all. she stands frozen before the boy. she could feel the individual shattered pieces of her heart breaking more and more with every salty tear that fell from the eyes that were boring holes into the boy she had felt so deeply for.

"nick. for the last time. i didn't cheat on you" she says sincerely, tears spilling like an unstoppable flood that could ruin the lives of thousands. although, ailee feels as though she is holding all of that pain alone. alone. with the boy that had been her cure for months, she had never felt so lonely.

"ill believe it when i see it. i'm going to charissa's" he says before storming out of his room and leaving the girl stranded with nothing but her thoughts and the million of pieces of her heart, that had been dropped and stomped on with every step nick took towards that door.

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