thirty four.

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be ready.

real life!

"i genuinely can't believe im going to be in a mr beast video i've watched him for years" ailee says, grin wide as she excitedly jumps up and down as she and sapnap walk towards the area the video was being filmed at. "i remember you telling me" sapnap starts, wrapping an arm loosely around her shoulders before continuing his sentence "i think its like a hide and seek at an abandoned hospital." "dude that sounds sick!" ailee says, even more excited.

the two reach the abandoned hospital, spotting mr beast, karl and the rest of the group standing near the entrance. karl rushes over to sapnap, giving him a hug as they each excitedly greeted each other. they broke the hug as karl turns to ailee, introducing himself with a hug. "we've actually talked before" ailee says, hugging him back and karl steps back, suprised. "remember when i introduced you to that girl that texted me? bug?" sapnap says and karls jaw dropped. "no way its you" he says, and ailee nods her head before being pulled into another warm hug.

the three of them make their way over to the rest of the group, mrbeast greeting sapnap and ailee, introducing himself to the girl and making small talk as they wait on one more person to arrive. once everyone was there, mr beast begins explaining the video, stating basic rules and safety regulations, to which the group listened intently before each taking a walkie-talkie, camera and a flashlight.

mrbeast films the introduction to the video, before the game begins. the group immediately parts ways, splitting up and running down the echoing hallways of the abandoned hospital. ailee watches as people run into random rooms, makig eye contact with sapnap one last time and sending him a smile, before she turns down a hallway and runs away from him.

she eventually reaches a room closed off after a twisting journey through the halls, lets herself in and situates herself under a desk in the corner that completely covered her body from the view of the door. over the walkie-talkie she hears jimmy announce that he was beginning the search, perfect timing for the hiding spot's discovery.

ailee sits in excruciating silence for a while, hearing jimmy's footsteps echo on the other side of the wall, listening to what he was saying over the walkie-talkie before she eventually learns that the first hider had been found and taken to the jail. she pulls out her phone and messages clay, as she promised him that she was going to keep him in the loop as he wanted to be included, but couldn't for obvious reasons. her heart hurt for clay's situation, although she knew it was his choice, she still felt as though he felt lonely at times.

the sound of footsteps just outside the door cause her heart to skip a beat, as she quickly turned her phone off and turned down the volume on the walkie-talkie momentarily, to avoid any noise revealing her location. the door opened slowly, her breath hitches and she pulls her legs close to her chest, feeling as though it could keep her from getting found.

she hears jimmy walk around the room slowly, talking to the camera and the rustling of the tarp in the corner as he picks it up to look under it. ailee looks into the recording camera in her hand, showing her stressed expression and trying to silently explain that she was seconds away from being caught. he never walks past halfway in the room though, luckily. "theres no one in here" jimmy says to his own camera, ailee letting out her breathe as she hears the door close and his foot steps receding. going back to text clay, she frantically types the explanation of what happened, turning the walkie talkie back on and leaning her head on the side of the desk she was sitting in.

the walkie talkie begins to sound with sapnap's voice asking jimmy how much money he would earn if he revealed karl's location, making her laugh as she listened to the conversation, her face falling in shock when it is actually revealed.

she stays in that spot for around half an hour, before it is announced that all contestants were to move spots, and that they had 5 minutes to do so. ailee hurriedly stands up, grabbing her flashlight, camera, and any of her belongings before running out of the hiding spot, through the halls and around the main area they began in, seeing four people in the jail and jimmy sitting on a seat next to it. "you literally were in the room i was hiding in you idiot im gonna win this easy" ailee yells out as she runs past, hearing jimmy laugh as he got further and further away.

she ends up in a similar room she was initially hiding in, however it was a different set up containing different pieces of broken-down machinery. she hides behind a counter that was positioned very close to a back door in the room, which she opened and saw leas outside, an easy way out if someone were to enter the room from the front door.

that is exactly what happened. she was quietly talking and making jokes to the camera as she had been told to, when the door on the far side of the room opened, revealing jimmy holding his own camera. knowing she wasn't hidden well in the room, her best bet was to immediately run. so she did. she stood up and grabbed the door handle, yanking it towards her and opening the door right as jimmy yelled in shock of seeing her. leaving the building, she pulled the door shut behind her before sprinting away towards the main entrance to the building.

it took jimmy a few seconds to open the door again, before he started running after her but was not nearly as fast as she was. "i didnt do every athletics carnival for nothing!" she yells into the camera before lifting it up to get the shot of her sprinting with jimmy following behind. the girl ran frantically, knowing she was quite far away from the entrance still. she looked behind her to see jimmy had gotten further, and was slowing down more and more. "shes so fast" he says to the camera, making ailee laugh, moments before she spotted the entrance and made her way towards it, seeing the door open she bolted towards it, closing it behind her and saw she had a bit of time before jimmy entered the building after her.

she turned to sprint again, hearing the six or seven fellow contestants in jail cheer for her, she jokingly started celebrating while running, before turning a corner and opening the first door she could find, sprinting in and shutting it behind her as she gasped for air. hearing jimmy's footsteps pass the room a few moments later, she sighed in relief and turned around to inspect the room she had entered, only to jump in fright as she immediately saw a man taller than her standing there, staring at her. "jesus fuck nick you scared me" she said, still gasping for air. sapnap laughs, before stepping towards her a bit. "are you okay? here sit down, have some of my water." he says, moving out of the way to finally reveal the room, a tiny storage cabinet under some stairs, with barely enough room for someone to stand, let alone the both of them.

ailee sits down on the ground, grabbing the water out of sapnap's hand and leaning her head against the cool wall she was sitting against and closing her eyes, trying to regain her breath. "do you have asthma?" sapnap asks, worried for her lack of steady breathing. "no, im just unfit and it uses a lot of energy to sprint away from a guy a foot taller than you." she says, making them both laugh. she noticed sapnap sat down next to her after she opened her eyes again, turning her head to look at him.

"i cant believe you're faster than jimmy" sapnap says, slightly whispering as he remembered they were both hiding. whispering aswell, ailee laughs and agrees. she pulls out the camera and whispers and explanation of the current situation to the recording, showing her and sapnap sitting up the stairs and recalling the events that had just occurred. she turns off the camera and places it down next to her, turning back to sapnap. "i can't believe you sold karl out like that." she says, and sapnap laughs, putting his hands up defensively and shaking his head. "it had to be done" "sure, sure." she responds and the two laugh, immediately going silent when they hear footsteps, both the walkie-talkies simultaneously breaking the silence as jimmy announced the eight contestant being found.

"guess its just us then" ailee whispers, looking at the boy next to her. "guess it is." he whispered back, staring at the wall before turning to look at her, seeing she was already looking at him.

the air goes still and the room fills with a deafening silence as the two made eye contact. the feeling of deja vu once again controls ailee's mind and thought, but this time she cant help but think it's different.

"fuck it" sapnap whispers, crashing his lips onto hers.

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