thirty one

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come over
my sister is here n i want u to meet her
plus i want to hang out
sapnap is also here


real life

ailee reached her friend's front door a few minutes after she recieved the text, and was waiting for someone to open the door after she knocked. she was greeted by dream as she was let into the apartment, seeing sapnap and a girl sitting on the couch watched the random channel that was playing on the tv. dream pulls her into a welcoming hug, whsipering in her ear to avoid anyone else hearing. "he still hasn't said anything", making ailee nod and look towards sapnap, before looking back at dream and giving him a weak smile.

"theres someone i want you to meet!" dream says, lightening the mood as he lightly pushes her towards the living room where the other two were sitting. "alex! this is my friend ailee! ailee, this is alex, my sister" dream says, introducing the two. alex finally looks around from where she was sitting to look at her brother's friend, eyes settling on the familiar face. "oh ailee hi! how are you? i haven't seen you in ages!" alex says, standing up and walking towards her friend, dreams statement also catching sapnap's attention as he was not aware ailee was coming over, and was equally as shocked to see her.

"alex hi! im good! how are you?" the two girls embrace eachother while catching up quickly, dream and sapnap both confused and looking to each other for hints on how the girls knew each other. "wait, does that mean the brother that kept texting you was dream?" ailee asked, smiling wide as alex nodded and laughed. "i'm confused, how do you guys know eachother?" dream asks, voice laced with curiosity. "we ran into eachother in the lobby once and decided to hangout" alex explains, looking towards her brother. "wait, that one night you left mine and never texted me when you got home and scared me shitless because u hung out with a stranger, that was ailee?" dream tries to clarify, once again looking between the two girls. "that would be me" ailee says.

the group move to the couch where sapnap was already sitting, ailee going to sit down next to sapnap and feeling his arm snake around her back and fall loosely at her hips as she sat, giving her goosebumps as she leaned into the side of his body. dream watches it unfold, sending ailee a look that communicated his understanding of what she meant by "coupley", ailee sending him a look of stress and confusion.

ailees eyes focus on the tv playing family feud while light conversation fills the air. she feels sapnap's arm slowly tighten around her waist after some time, making her look up to him and make eye contact with him, feeling him rub the side of her torso with his hand. "can we go to my room? i need to talk to you about something" sapnap whispers, and ailee nods. this sparked dreams attention, who had recently become invested with what ailee had brought up with him a few nights earlier, dreading seeing his best friend basically leading on his new friend that he considered a sister to him.

sapnap and ailee reach sapnap's room, and he quietly closes the door behind them as ailee wanders further into the room, watching as sapnap walked across and leant against his desk. "so, i wanted to talk to you about something" he says, holding eye contact with her as she makes her way over to stand infront of him. "yeah? whats up?" she asks, looking away as her nerves got the better of her, thinking she'd get some idea about why he had been acting so different lately.

"so christmas is coming up, and i wanted to surprise dream by having george show up, but i need him to be able to stay somewhere for a night or two, and i was wondering if you would be able to let him stay at yours? if not that's totally fine." sapnap explains his plans to the girl who had grown annoyed at the lack of explanation. "yeah sure, whatever" she says without trying to hide her annoyance, before turning and attempting to leave the room, stopped by an arm around her waist.

"stop, whats wrong?" sapnap asks while pulling her back with the arm he had wrapped around her. "nothing, its fine." she says, avoiding eye contact at all costs. "bug. tell me." he says, before noticing her lack of attention and lightly grabbing her chin, forcing her to look at him. "tell me. you can talk to me." he says.

the two hold eye contact in silence, reliving the moment that had occurred just a week before. sapnap's eyes once again shift to her lips, before reconnecting the eye contact, the familiarity of the situation flooding her mind. his hand moving from her chin to cup her cheek, he starts to lean in before ailee eventually mocks his actions, an attempt to meet in the middle.

"ailee! sap! were gonna order some food, come out here and tell us what you want!" alex shouts from the next room over, breaking each of them out of their trance of concentration and quickly pull apart. sapnap throws his head back and mutters under his breath, "you have got to be kidding me", his voice much deeper than usual and a tone aof annoyance laced within it. ailee takes a quick step back, turning to the door and opening it, rushing out of the room and leaving the boy behind.

ailee makes her way to the kitchen where the sibling pair is eagerly waiting for the orders, noticing how clays face immediately drops when he sees the annoyance and frustration on ailee's face. "what happened?" he asks quietly, a face of worry clouding his previous expression. "nothing, it doesnt matter. i'm not hungry i might just go home" ailee said before rushing out of the apartment without another word, and without waiting for a response.

text messages!

you can talk to me when you're ready
love you

i'm sorry for storming out

seriously dont worry about it
what happened? if you want to talk

i feel like im over reacting idk
i just thought he would actually tell me whats going on
but he just started to talk about something completely unrelated
and then we almost kissed again
im fine w all the coupley things i just wish he would talk to me about it you know
i know i can talk to him and start it but he's been doing everything else and i just
it feels like i shouldn't even be upset about this like he did nothing wrong but im so annoyed anyway idk
i just don't know whats happening w us and i'm so confused

you have every right to be upset
he needs to be more open instead of just assuming you're on the same page
you deserve an explanation
or at least some clarity

thank you clay


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