thirty seven

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when does george's flight land?

do not answer <3
he said 2ish so should be like in 5 mins or so

ok im at the airport just waiting

do not answer
let me know when ur about to bring him in the building to i can make sure clay doesnt go out side

has clay ever gone outside

do not answer
thats true

ok im gonna text george
buh bye
dont miss me too much

do not answer
how could i not darling

text messages with george!

have you landed yet??

weve landed but not off the plane

ugh lame !
text me when ur off
what do u want from starbucks

*insert coffee order (i dont drink coffee idk whats good)*
thanks a
people are starting to get off the plane now i shouldn't be too long

i cant wait to meet u

me either
ok im off the plane grabbing my bag
u at starbucks?

yes sir
i think i see you

i see u
oh fuck you

real life!

"do you like my sign?" ailee asks, giggling as george walks closer to her. "i absolutely hate it please throw it away" george says, laughing as he reads the sign that says "dream's boyfriend" with a badly edited picture of george next to dream's minecraft skin. ailee puts the sign down, leaning it against her bag and picks up george's drink off the table and gives it him with a wide smile on her face, overjoyed that she was meeting one of her best friends for the first time. george takes the drink out of her hands but immediately places it back down on the table. bug confusedly watches the drink, before she feel george grab her arm lightly and pull her forward to engulf her in a warm hug, wrapping his arms around her neck.

she melts into the embrace and wraps her arm around the boy, smiling into the hug. "hi bug" he says quietly, before the pull away and smile at each other. "lets go!! im parked pretty far away" bug says, picking up all her belongings and waiting for george to do the same, and they start walking towards the parking lot. they excitedly talk, ailee more skipping than walking until they reach the car and load george's bags into the trunk.

they get in the car and ailee starts driving home, explaining the plans they had to surprise dream the next day, listening to music and talking about george's latest stream. "have you thought about starting streaming?" george asks, turning to look at his friend beside him. "maybe, i'm not sure i have the time for it to be honest, with work and school and everything" ailee says, keeping her attention on the road. "i think you should, you dont have to stream regularly and the fans already love you" george says, looking back out the window momentarily before looking back at her. "maybe"

as the two got closer to the apartment building, ailee asked george to text sapnap that they were almost there, and handed him her phone from the cupholder in the centre console. george took the phone and unlocked it with the password ailee told him, going to the messages app and started looking for sapnap's contact. "whats your contact name for him? i cant find him" george says, scrolling through the recently texted contacts trying to not read any of the messages. "oh its 'do not answer' it should be right under yours" she says, making george laugh at the name as he opened the messages.

"darling?" george says, dragging out the word and looking at ailee, smiling, making the girl blush. "ignore that he's just being stupid" she says laughing. "what brought that on? is there something going on between you two?" george asks, typing out the message he was originally supposed to send. "no, no. what makes you think that?" she says, driving into the apartment complex's parking lot. "you guys have been flirty since day one, especially in the last couple of days and now he's calling you darling?" george says. they were both out of the car and walking through the hallways of the apartment complex, bug motioning for him to stay quiet when passing dream and sapnap's apartment, until they got into ailee's home.

"well maybe we kissed a few times a couple days ago" ailee says, picking up the conversation where they left off. "you what? why didn't i know about this?" george says, shocked and smiling. "im sorry!! it all happened at once and then we literally fell asleep cuddling and now were like super flirty all the time!" she says, smiling wide and sitting at the kitchen counter, george sitting next to her, still shocked. "so are you guys together now?" he asks, facing his body towards the girl and taking in her body language while talking about sapnap, the straight posture and the eyes filled with excitement, the legs swinging slightly above the ground in the too-tall stool and fidgeting with her skirt. he could tell she was just as in love with sapnap as nick was with her, hearing his friend talk about this girl as if she was the only
one out there.

george had always understood that these two were destined for each other. from when he first met ailee and saw how the two interacted, watching the pair's interactions on social media and their stream together, and listening to sapnap talk for hours on end about this angel of a girl, and how he was the happiest he had ever been. watching from the sidelines, he was ecstatic for his friends, happy to see them both so happy as he bonded with ailee through sapnap, and she became one of his best friends, similar to dream he saw her as a little sister, and couldn't wait for the two to officially start dating.

seeing the girl in person was the selling point for george, the way ailee's face lit up when she talked about sapnap, concreted his need to see them both happy, making it his mission to make sure they were dating at least before he left for home, 2 weeks from the current day, if they weren't already.

"no, i dont think so at least" ailee says, breaking george's train of thoughts. "what do you mean you dont think so?" george asked. "well, he hasn't, like, asked me out or anything but we act like a couple, so maybe he thinks we are? i wouldn't be too opposed but it would be nice if he asked, you know?" ailee says and george nods, his gaze wandering to the apartment, focusing on a small cat curled up on the couch, making his gasp.

he stands up and slowly walks to the cat, seeing it wake up and watch as the boy approached it. "his name is steak" ailee says, watching the boy let steak sniff his hand, before patting him with a massive smile on his face. the name finally processes in george's mind, looking towards ailee with a blank expression. "why the fuck would you name your cat steak"

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