forty three

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sick again :p

i have prelims (important exams - for all the non-australians) coming up so i have been studying non-stop lately and when i have been writing i have been working on my dream book so i sincerely apologise for late updates <3

love u guys <3

"i'm taking you on a date" sapnap says, walking, unannounced, into ailee's room after she had just woken up, still half asleep. "where to?" she asks, finally registering her surroundings and getting her bearings back at the sudden wake. "were going to the fair! get ready, were leaving in 20 minutes" he says, leaving the room and leaving the girl stressed. "how romantic" she mutters to herself jokingly while hurriedly picking out a suitable outfit.

untrue to their word, the couple were leaving their apartment building approximately 45 minutes later, after steak had fallen asleep on nick's lap and they could not leave until steak moved himself. it was around a 30 minutes drive to the fair, the journey filled with singing and laughing, sapnap's hand rested on the girls thigh for the entire time, a comforting notion to the girl as she smiles as the light touch. 

the fair was packed, with people everywhere as laughter and joy filled the air along with the sweet smell of cotton candy and the announcements of various rides running. fairs had always held a feeling of nostalgia for ailee, reminding her of luna park, a famous amusement park that she had frequently visited as a kid due to her love of adventure. she didn't know where to look, her hand gripping onto nick's as a similar feeling rushed through his body, the couple both smiling their hearts out and walking through the crowd. "what should we do first?" nick asks, still admiring the sights around him. "there's so much to choose from" the girl laughs, looking at sapnap and smiling at how happy he looked, sneakily taking a photo of him before returning her phone to her bag and looking for where to start.

they settled on a nearby rollercoaster, laughing and talking as they stand in the line, before they are interrupted as nick feels a light tap on his shoulder. he turns around to see a girl a bit younger than them, standing nervously holding her phone as her friend attempts to get her to ask nick something. "uh- hi, im so sorry to bother you" she says, and stops talking, seeming nervous. nick chuckles lightly and shakes his head while ailee watches the whole interaction with amusement. "no worries! how can i help?" nick says with a genuine smile on his face, looking between the girl and her friend, looking back as ailee once and smiling at her. "i'm a huge fan, am i able to get a photo with you? its ok if not" the girl says, adding the last sentence hurriedly. "of course!" nick says and ailee steps forward, offering to take the photo for them.

at that moment, the nervous girl finally notices ailee there, and recognises her. "wait! you're ailee, can you actually be in the photo?" she says, to which ailee nods and agrees, getting in the selfie with the girl and her boyfriend, smiling to the camera. the fan thanks the two of them and says something quickly to nick along the lines of how she's thankful for his content, nick giving her a hug and thanking her, before turning back to ailee as the girl walks away. "that was so sweet" he says, ailee nodding before making herself laugh with the statement "i'm stealing your fans", nick laughing as well.

they finally get to the front of the line and go on the rollercoaster, exiting to see a fir game with the prize of a stuffed panda, making both of their jaws drop. "we totally have to win it" ailee says, already making her way towards the booth. "100%" nick reiterates, following her and pulling out his wallet to pay for the game.

the staff member explains the rule to them, and lets them know how many points they need to achieve to win the prize of the panda, nick taking the reigns and playing the game confidently, to which he fails miserably. ailee laughs as he is handed a small plastic slinky as the worker exclaims congratulations in full confidence. "ok you try and do better" nick says, fidgeting with the slinky and muttering that it was better than the panda anyway.

ailee begins her turn, knocking down each of the targets with ease as nick becomes more and more shocked, and simultaneously impressed. in the end, ailee wins the grand prize and the choice between the panda and sloth plushies. she confidently points towards the panda, and it is handed to her as she holds it close. nick smiles and takes a photo of the girl's happiness. "if anyone asks i won that for you" he says, holding her free hand and swinging it lightly as they walk together to their next destination.

"nope, no way. i'm taking this win for myself" she says with full pride, making them both laugh,

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