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It has been days. Seven days to be exact. A week. 168 hours.

168 hours of torture. 10080 minutes without my girl.

She had disappeared without a trace.

The events of the night are like a cloudy dream. I couldn't remember parts of it. I knew I took her out on the yacht. I had planned a romantic dinner. Everything was going as planned. I had never felt so much for a person. I looked at her and realized I couldn't ever go back to living life without her. Both in secret and in public. I was ready to quit my job, so we could be together with no fear.

Then it happened.

She disappeared.

I woke up in my room. With the clothes, I had on the night before still on me. I was confused.

I called out for her.

I looked everywhere, but she wasn't in the house. So I thought we must have drunk something we shouldn't have. Though that did not explain why she wasn't with me. Who got her home? I thought.

I thought and thought a lot.

I texted and called to make sure she was okay. Her phone rang and went to voicemail.

The next day she wasn't in class and the one after that.

It has been a week.

A week of imagining the worst possible scenarios as to why she disappeared. On the second day, I concluded that she had enough of being taken advantage of by her professor.

Because that was what happened.

I, her professor, took advantage of her naive little heart.

Our relationship didn't make sense.

Yet all of this didn't explain why she would leave.

I had no way of contacting her family. Her friends. Who were her friends?

Another reality hit. I was so selfish. I made everything about me.

I never even asked her about her family and friends.

I was fucking awful to her.

I claim to love her yet knew nothing besides the obvious about her. No wonder she left.

Another part of me knew Lily wasn't that kind of person. She wouldn't just vanish without a word. Something terrible must have happened.

On the third day, I contacted the dean of the school to let him know one of my students was missing classes which she never did. Any other reason as to why I was concerned will have busted me out. He shrugged it off and said students bunk classes and that it was normal.

It wasn't normal. It was far from normal.

On the fifth day, I hacked the school system and got her personal information. I got her parents' number.

I called, and her dad picked up.

He was shocked to hear from his daughter's professor.

"This is a surprise. Has our dear Lily done something?" he asks.

"No sir, quite the opposite. I was calling to ask if she had gone back home?"

"No. Lily isn't here. Which reminds me, she hasn't called in a while."

That was when I knew. She was in danger.

Fucking hell.

I wasted hours thinking about the worst but never the obvious. Of course, she was taken. By whom?

My dark ProfessorKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat