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I'm engulfed in a hug. Giant strong arms wrap around me from behind.

"Travis!" I say with the same enthusiastic energy.

He turns me around and ruffles my hair.

"Hey!" I swat at his hand. My curls must look a mess.

"Sorry." He grins sheepishly.

"How are you settling in?" he asks.

"Great so far."

Apart from the initial misunderstanding with Mr. Williams, everything was going smoothly. I think I've got a hang of how things work. Being a house-help isn't complicated as I had thought.

"I'm glad." He smiles.

The sound of someone clearing their throat makes me jump away from Travis's embrace. So blinded by Travis's infectious energy, I hadn't noticed him standing closely behind us.

He never fails to steal my breath away. His sheer beauty is enough to make my stomach tingle with butterflies, as cliche as it sounds. Talk less of his commanding presence. Like a king, he carries an authoritative vibe that demands attention. Cruel gorgeous genius. Today he is particularly cruel. Different from the gentle, amused man I dealt with yesterday. I'd seen this side of him countless times at school.

He glares at us angrily as if we were a bunch of kids caught lacking.

"Caspar," Travis grumbles.

Caspar. His name. A man like him having a kingly name was poetic and fitting.

He asked me to call him by his first name, but I couldn't. I felt like if I did, we'd cross a line we shouldn't. We were already strangling the line. A nudge could have us falling.

"Hello, sir." I give him a smile, but I'm sure it looks forced.

His nostrils flare.

Shit. Shit.

After being told not to call him that several times, in fact. My stupid brain goes ahead and does it anyway.

"Sorry, I mean Mr. Williams."

The hard expression on his face softens but only by a tiny fraction. He isn't in the mood today.

He gives me a nod in greeting.

"What the BDSM typa shit is going on here? Sir? Mr. Williams?"

Travis booms out with laughter.

"Why the hell can't you just call him Caspar?"

I gulp down nervously at the murderous look Mr. Williams was giving Travis.

"I-" I begin to say but Travis speaks up.

"And why the hell do you look so scared right now?"

I didn't look scared, did I?

"Travis," Mr. Williams warns.

"No, don't Travis me. I told you not to give her a hard time, and here you are, intimidating the heck out of her."

"I am not intimidating her," he argues.

Yes, you are, Mr. Williams.

"Of course, you are."

Mr. Williams turns to me.

"Am not intimidating you, am I, Lily?" The soft but lethal way he says my name has my heart pounding in fear and, at the same time, making it race in excitement. A combination only he brings out.

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