Driver's License

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Sep 11, 2017

Dawa had caught up pretty fast. The Bangtan boys were amazed at how much of a fast learner he was, even though it was a known fact about Dawa. He was not only smart but easily adaptable to situations, which really showed throughout the last couple of days.

They were so close to wrapping up this album, Dawa had to record two more of the songs. As he was warming up his voice, he thought about the themes of this album as a whole. The idea was so simple, and yet, he knew how much power these ideas held. The rap line and Dawa were currently waiting for the rest of the members to show up. He was especially waiting for Jimin as Jimin and Dawa were going to record a duet together. As Dawa waited, he stared at the rap line, debating whether or not he should tell them about the newest demo he had created. After a few minutes, he decided to shoot his shot.

"Hyung." Dawa lightly poked Namjoon on the shoulder. "I know it's a little late in the process but can we record one more song? I already have a demo for it, I worked on it for a long time and I think it's good enough to be part of this album. Plus, I think it fits the theme of the album."

"Let's finish recording the two songs and then listen to your song," Yoongi concluded and all three agreed.

Jimin entered the recording studio, slightly out of breath. "Sorry, we lost track of time. The rest are on their way." He smiled guiltily. Yoongi shook his head, not really surprised.

Hobi pointed his head to the recording room, indicating that Jimin was to start the song.

"Ok! Let's start!" Jimin shouted in the recording room. Yoongi played the track and nodded. The rest of the members walked in and upon seeing Jimin in the recording room, quieted down.

In the end, Dawa decided to join the recording room because they had to keep switching back and forth for the duet.

Currently, Jimin was singing one of his lines, "/The destiny is jealous of us/Just like you I'm so scared/When you see me when you touch me.~" He stopped to look at the rap line for approval.

Yoongi spoke through the speaker. " the "me" should go a little higher. Also pause between "when you, touch, me." like that" He explained and had Jimin record again.

"Ok, that was good. Dawa, your turn."

"Jimin's voice is so unique, this was the perfect song for him. Delicately beautiful." Namjoon praised.

Dawa nodded and warmed up his voice, again, and put on the headphones.

"The Jimin and Dawa combination is also unique. It's kind of unexpected." Jin commented. Jungkook agreed with the oldest. "But in a way, the lyrics match Dawa's relationship with us a bit if we were looking at the song from a platonic point of view." He added while reading over the lyrics again. "I think he can really channel that kind of energy that the song needs."

"Dawa sang his line, and then stopped. He started out to his members outside of the recording studio only to see them staring back at them.

Hobi slowly reached for the speaker button. "C-can you try again but more softer and romantic? It sounded a bit too sexy." Dawa's pale face instantly turned crimson red and Jimin started laughing at the sight of Dawa's blushed face.

"Hyung got embarrassed! Hyung, don't worry, we all started blushing after hearing that so you're not the only one." Taehyung shouted. True to his words, no one could resist Dawa's charms. Everyone enjoyed Dawa covering his face from embarrassment. Jungkook took pictures of Dawa's cute reaction.

"Sorry, I'll try again." He bowed

"Dawa, try to annunciate the words more as well."


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