Chapter XX

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Team RWBY ran into their dorm.

Ruby knew the beast couldn't get into the building, but that didn't stop her from shutting the door and locking it behind her.

Weiss and Blake brought Yang to her bed. They helped her sit herself down.

Yang couldn't take it anymore. She had done everything in her power to keep her emotions bottled up inside for as long as possible. But now that the beast had escaped, and he was rampaging through the campus, her nightmares had come true, and the trauma forced its way out of her in tears.

Ruby rushed to her sister's side, and started rubbing her back gently.

"It's happening again!" Yang sobbed. "It's happening again!"

"Everything's alright, Yang," Ruby said. "You're safe."

"I'm not safe!!!" Yang shouted. "Everywhere I go, I see him!!! I see those eyes!!! I can feel his hands!!! It's horrible!!!"

Weiss and Blake stood before her, heads low. They didn't know what to do. They hadn't seen the beast for that long. They had no idea what Yang was going through. How were you supposed to comfort someone in such a situation?

But Ruby kept talking.

"It's alright," she reassured. "Don't worry. We'll stay right here with you."

Weiss turned to look at Blake, only to see something outside the window. She gasped and backed up.

The other three didn't have time to ask what had scared Weiss. By the time they realized her reaction, they heard the sound of glass shattering.

A furred hand burst through the window. It knocked Blake aside, and started to reach for Yang.

Yang screamed, and tried to scramble away. Ruby, on the other hand, sprung into action. She moved in front of Yang to protect her, but the hand grabbed her, and tossed her aside.

The huge hand reached into the bed, and grabbed Yang. She screamed, and struggled to escape as Ruby, Weiss, and Blake scrambled to rescue her.

The hand pulled out of the window, taking Yang with it before anyone could get to her. They could only stare out the window.

Kong stood outside the window, looking down at the screaming Yang. He had reclaimed his prize, and he was not going to let it leave again.

Ruby saw Kong look to the roof, and start to climb up the building.

She ran for the hallway, her friends following her out of the dorm. As soon as she got out, they saw Oobleck running towards them.

"Ruby!" he yelled as he ran to them. "He's looking for Yang!"

"'Looking'?!" Ruby said. "He has her and he's taking her to the roof!"

Oobleck nodded. "Come on! Let's get after him!"

The group scrambled for the roof . . .

Kong stood atop the building.

It wasn't as big as the mountain on his island, by any means. It was only a few stories up. Kong was frustrated with how close he was to the strange civilization below. He wanted to climb the tallest mountain, and to keep his prize as far away from the rest of the world. She belonged to him, and nobody else.

Kong carefully put Yang down on the roof, and started looking around for the tallest building on the campus.

Yang lifted herself to her feet. She was lucky her legs were still working, unlike back on the island. Kong was distracted by his search for the tallest structure, and it was the perfect opportunity to escape. She spun around and fled as fast as she could to escape.

But she didn't get far before Kong's hand grabbed her again. She screamed as she was lifted above the ground.

Kong stroked her hair, and made his way to the edge of the building. He had found the perfect spot to take her, and he was ready to get going.

He peered over the building. He could see people fleeing down below. He didn't want to go back down to this strange world, but he knew he didn't have a choice.

Kong looked at Yang. He gently touched her with one hand.

With a growl, Kong climbed down the building . . .

Ruby ran to the roof.

She had been running so fast to get up here, the others took a moment to catch up. But, when she arrived, the beast was gone, as was Yang.

"Yang!" Ruby yelled. "Yang!!!"

Oobleck ran to the edge of the building, and looked over. He could see the beast fleeing in the distance.

"He's gone!" he said.

Ruby growled in anger. "There are Huntsmen all over the campus! What are they doing?!"

"They're already on their way," Oobleck said.

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Ruby said. "Let's go!"

The group ran to catch up with the beast . . .

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