Chapter IX

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Yang couldn't sleep.

For a while, she'd been thinking about what had happened on the island. She wasn't scared of those natives. She knew how to defend herself. Even if they had gotten her, she could easily defend herself.

But then, another thought occurred to her. She'd come here in search of answers. She'd wanted to know why her mother had left her. But what she had found on the island had no relation to her mother, as far as she knew.

What if she didn't find the answers she was looking for? What if this whole thing was a waste of time?

Yang scowled, and sat up in her bed. She didn't want to think like that. She was going to find the answers, no matter what. There was no question about that. She needed to get this off her mind, but she needed something to do first. She looked across to her bunk bed to the one on the other side.

Ruby wasn't in her bunk.

Confused, Yang sat up. She looked around, but Ruby was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she'd left the cabin, for whatever reason. This seemed like the best way to get her mind off her thoughts.

Yang left her room, without thinking to bring Ember Celica with her. She looked in the mess. There was no sign of Ruby. She made her way to the deck, and started looking around.

Ruby was standing at the guardrail, staring out at the island. The village was lit up by torches, and she could just barely hear drums. She was wearing her uniform, but she didn't have her cape on.

Yang stepped up to her, and stopped beside her.

"Hey, sis," she said.

Ruby turned to Yang. She smiled.

"Hi, Yang," she said.

Yang smiled back. It was always nice to see Ruby smile, but she hadn't seen one on her face in such a long time. She supposed Ruby wasn't happy about this adventure. But Yang had answers to find, and that was the most important thing right now. Still, she'd never let her search control her, and she was happy to make sure her sister was alright.

"Why aren't you in bed?" Yang asked.

Ruby frowned. "I couldn't sleep. I guess those drums make me nervous."

Yang leaned her back against the guardrail. "We'll be fine. We'll be here for each other, right?"

"I'm not scared for myself," Ruby said. "I'm scared for you."

Yang chuckled. "Why? Because those guys wanted to arrange my marriage?"

Ruby scowled. "They wanted to buy you, Yang! They thought you were an object!"

Yang's smile vanished. Of course she'd been aware that the natives had objectified her, but she didn't think Ruby would be able to understand the implications of buying someone.

"I know," she said. "Ruby, I've dealt with weirdos like those guys before. I can defend myself."

Ruby sighed, and looked back out at the island, her expression softening. "I know. But this isn't like home. Those people freaked me out, and I'm scared that they wanted to do something really bad to you."

Yang placed a comforting hand on Ruby's shoulder. "I get it, Ruby. Trust me, these guys are just a bunch of weirdos. I can handle them. And, even if I can't, I always have you."

"That's what scares me," Ruby said. "I've never had to protect you before."

Yang chuckled. "Protect me? Don't make me laugh."

Ruby rolled her eyes, and a smile was starting to form. "Ha ha. Very funny."

"I know," she said, placing her hands on the back of her head.

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