Chapter XVII

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Yang finally realized where they were going.

Kong had been lumbering through the jungles of the island for what had felt like hours. Through the endless fear, she had found herself wondering where he was taking her. But now she could see very clearly where he was headed. Kong had left the dense jungle, and was making his way for Skull Mountain.

He paused momentarily to look down at Yang, and gently stroke her hair. She whimpered, and shut her eyes. She didn't think to wipe away her tears.

She wasn't struggling anymore. Her efforts had been in vain even when her legs were working. The chances of it working now were non-existent. There was no point in trying. She was at the mercy of the beast's hands, and it was a terrifying sentiment. She just hoped that he would stop touching her and keep walking.

To her relief, Kong's hand moved away from her hair, and he continued making his way for the mountain. Yang could only watch as they moved closer and closer to the mountain, praying that whatever fate Kong had in mind for her wouldn't happen so soon.

She just wanted to go home . . .

Following Kong was easy.

In fact, it was much easier than Ruby had expected. At first she'd made sure to keep hidden. But she was amazed at how little care Kong had at the idea of being followed. He never turned around, and when he did it was only because Ruby had made a loud noise. But she was being more careful with her run than she had ever been before.

Ruby got brave, and she moved to Kong's side to catch a glimpse of Yang. She spotted her. She was still in Kong's hand, and though she wasn't sobbing anymore, she could just barely catch a glimpse of the sun's light glinting off a tear.

She had never seen Yang like this before. She had known her her whole life. Yang was always the big sister. Always the brave one looking out for her. But now she was something else entirely. She was a helpless shadow of her former self, and it pained Ruby to see her like that.

Ruby finally realized where Kong was going. He was heading straight for Skull Mountain. She kept as quiet as she could, making sure to stick to the best hiding places now that she wasn't in the safety of the jungle.

Kong made his way to the mountain, and took one look behind him. He didn't see Ruby. Thinking he was safe, Kong turned back around and made his way into a cave entrance.

Ruby followed. When her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cave, she realized the inside of the mountain was the biggest cavern she had ever seen, not that she had ever seen a cavern in person before.

It was a huge space of rocks. In the center of it all was a pool of black water. A slope on the wall led to one of Skull Mountain's "eye sockets". There was no path leading back out of the cavern, other than the one Kong had entered from. This could mean only one thing.

This was Kong's lair.

Kong looked at the black pool, and a suspicious look appeared on his face. He snarled, and pulled Yang protectively to his chest. Ruby was confused, until she looked into the pool herself.

There was a shadow moving underneath the water. It was making its way towards Kong. A long, black neck burst out from the water, and the skull-protected head of a Grimm roared at the beast.

Kong roared back a challenge of his own. He turned his attention down to Yang, and carefully set her down nearby. Her legs gave out beneath her, and she collapsed to the ground.

Kong turned away from Yang, and roared at the long-necked Grimm. The serpent lunged from the water, and the battle began.

Ruby took advantage of the distraction, and started making her way around the pool. She looked away from the battling giants, and looked at Yang. She was trying to crawl away, dragging her legs with her.

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