Chapter VII

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The fog had finally lifted.

The world was clearly visible, and not even a cloud could be seen in the clear sky. But what could be seen was an island.

Englehorn stood on deck, looking through a pair of binoculars at the island. Everything was just like he had seen on the map that Oobleck had shown him. The ship had stopped many miles away from a peninsula. In the binoculars, he could see the huts of a village, and, at the end of the peninsula, he could see the great wall that cut it off from the rest of the island.

Beyond the great wall, Englehorn could see nothing but dense jungles, resting above a precipice that kept anyone from beaching beyond the peninsula behind the wall.

But what caught the old skipper's attention the most was the only mountain he could see. It was truly shaped like a skull, just as Oobleck had said. It was proof of everything that crazy, caffeine-addicted man had claimed.

He could hear the man he had been thinking of approaching behind him, and stopping right beside him.

"Well, Skipper, see anybody?" Dr. Oobleck said.

Englehorn didn't move an inch, even as he responded to the question. "Not a living thing."

"Funny they haven't spotted us," Oobleck said. "I'd thought the whole population would be on the beach."

Englehorn finally lowered the binoculars, but he didn't take his eyes off the island.

"Listen," he said in a grim tone.

Oobleck stopped talking. He listened closely. Drums were still thumping at the shore, in a similar rhythm to the melody heard in the fog. From here, it sounded almost like an echo in the wind. But Oobleck wasn't intimidated.

"Maybe they have spotted us and they're signaling," he said. He smiled at Englehorn. "Well, Skipper, do you believe me now? There it is. Skull Mountain, the wall, everything just like on my map. Shall we get started?"

Englehorn finally looked at Oobleck, shocked at how quickly he wanted to head for the island. But, he supposed that was within character for the crazy man. He always liked getting right down to business.

"Twelve men go with you," Englehorn said. "The rest stay aboard."

"Who's in charge of the gas bombs?" Oobleck asked.

"Jimmy. That young fellow."

"Good. Leave the first mate aboard, Skipper. I need you, you may be able to talk to the people ashore."

"Alright," Englehorn said.

Then, Yang rushed over to them.

"We're going ashore too, right?" she said.

Oobleck smiled, delighted by her enthusiasm.

"You bet . . ."

A shore boat arrived at the beach.

Team RWBY sat near the front, only because Yang had been so excited that she wanted to get the best look of the island. Ruby was at least happy her sister was this excited. It had been such a long time since Yang had been this excited. Still, she couldn't help the fearful anticipation that slowly grew the closer the boat got to the island. She felt as though one step on this island was going to kill her.

Finally, the boat reached the shore of the island, and sailors pulled it until it came to rest. Team RWBY climbed out of the boat along with the other sailors.

Oobleck supervised the sailors who were pulling out the guns.

Ruby was feeling just the slightest bit of relief at how easy it was to get on the island. She only hoped they would leave without incident.

She noticed a few canoes that were lined up on the beach.

"Those are weird boats," she said.

"Yeah," Blake said. "Outrigger canoes."

Yang's focus, however, was on something else. She stared at the forest at the edge of the beach, which cut it off from the village. But even with these trees and bushes in the way, she could hear drumming in the distance.

Oobleck approached Jimmy, who had a crate of gas bombs strapped over his shoulders.

"Stay close," Oobleck said. "And watch your step. There's enough trichloride in that case to put a herd of Ursai to sleep."

"Aye aye, sir," Jimmy replied.

Englehorn turned to two sailors. "You two stay with the boat."

"Aye aye," the sailors said.

After a few minutes, everyone was finally ready to start the expedition.

"Alright," Oobleck said. "Everyone ready?"

His excitement was more high than it had ever been in his whole life. He was here. He had arrived at the island, and discovery was within his grasp. This had to be how all of his heroes felt when they made their world-changing discoveries.

"Let's get going . . ."

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