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Alcinas pov

Evan came bursting in, ranting about going with Donna honestly her baby babbling is hard to understand.
"Evan babes, Donna left. She left because mommy said a hurtful thing."
"Because I was mad that she was... right."
A solid minute went by until evan started bawling.
"Auntie l-left me." I picked Evan up to calm her down, and she grab at my clothing.
"I know babes its okay, its okay" eventually her breathing be came hectic. So I thought of the only thing I could do. I brought us to a chair and slowly adjusted her to being facing me. She was to focused on crying to notice I was bringing my top down. I need her to calm down.
"Babes, it okay." Slowly she latched or attempted to. But quickly began sucking. Little coos were given, and she was staring up at me with adoration. She placed her hand on top of my breast.
"There we are, I told it was alright."
I let her be for better half of an hour, and I felt the suckles slow down. Looking down I could tell she was asleep. I need to call Donna and apologize. However that can wait, right now Im going to spend some time with my children. I fixed my self up, and grabbed a blanket for Evan. Last place Bella said Cassandra was in was the library. Let us start there.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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