Curious baby

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Alcinas point of view

I decided that Evan was uncomfortable in her maid attire, so mother miranda and I walked over to the nursery so I could place her in a onesie. She whimpered because of the cold. I quickly guided her feet into the footies and clipped the buttons closed.
"Dear are you not worry, that she will question why she is in that?"
"After what happened with Carmen, I don't think she'll be out of her headspace for a little while."
"Oh yes, I have seen the damage done to that shell of a women, cant say I blame you."
"And on the plus, I get to put my baby in cute little clothes. I noticed she didn't like the maid outfit, so I'm keeping that in mind."I stated, while I placed Evan on my hip.
"Shall we continue or" I asked, hoping she was done with me.
"No dear, you have a baby and 3 kids to take care of, I will check in on you later in the week."she said and with out delay she vanished. The only thing to remain was a single black feather. I decided to have a talk with the girls, especially Cassandra, they care so much for Evan that it warms my heart, and I want to make sure they are okay with what happened, and that they understand that Evan is a lot younger than when she was earlier in the day.

Evans point of view

With the constant bum pats and the rhythm of walking, I woke up. I couldn't really process what was going on, but I looked up to see the lady looking back at me a smile. A smile filled with love and adoration. I honestly felt very small, while lying in her arms. I knew what was happening. I had slipped, must of been from the incident earlier. I tried talking, but all that came out was babbling.
"Oh yes little one, we are heading to see the girls."
Girls? What girls?
With just babbling coming out, the lady proceeded to open her massive chamber door.
"Mother!" Three loud voices said simultaneously.
"Girls, please keep your voices down, the baby just awoke."
"Sorry mother" they all said sheepishly.
"Mother is Evan alright?" The voice sounded a lot like Cassandra. I lifted my head up from the lady, and just looked at Cassandra. Why did she look so worry, wait why do the all look worry.
With all my thinking, I wasn't paying attention to what their conversation was about. To focused on the lady, I decided it was best to get a better look. Reaching up, I started touching her face.
"Oh hello baby, what are you doing?"
The lady grab my hands, which are small compared to hers, and tried eating them.
A giggle fit proceed, and she continued, which ended with the rest of the family growing smiles on their faces.
"Oh your fingers, num num num."
My laughing started hurting my sides, so I tried to stop, but this resulted in me whining.
"What's wrong baby?" She asked witch was laced with concern.
Nothing was wrong, I just stoped paying attention to her, and started looking and the girls. Wiggling was my only way to bet what I wanted. And what I wanted, was Cassandra.
"C-c-Cassie" I managed to get out.
I could feel the lady stiffen, and her hesitation.
"Did she say my name?"

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