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Alcina pov

Donna has decided to stay, mainly to lecture me and to get to know Evan. I have been told countless times how i only use her. That is not the truth.
"Donna wont you listen? I do not use you. I tell you things all the time."
"You tell me these things while asking me to do something, don't you understand Alcina I thought you and I were past this, past a one sided relationship."
"Donna please, why must you act like a brat. Even Evan behaves better and she is all but a baby." I saw my mistake immediately.
"Donna wait, I didn't mean that."
"No no I understand obviously I was wrong. I think I should be going I overstayed my welcome." I could hear the wavering in her voice.
"Evans clothes will be done soon, tell her I said goodbye." And with that Donna walked out. Oh great. What am I to tell Evan, granted I hated that the two got close so fast, but Donna walking out without telling her bye. Evan is going to be crushed. Great. What am i going to do?
"BELA!" With in moments I heard the swarming of flies.
"Yes mother?"
"Will you bring Evan to me, I must tell her something."
"Oh, mother you do know she is napping with Cass right?"
"In Cassandras room?"
"No in the library, mother where is Aunt Donna, she didn't leave right?"
"Im afraid she is packing now."
"Why, she still had 2 days left with us."
"I suppose it had something to do with Angie." I hate lying to my children, but if I tell them it was my doing they would go on a tangent.
"Oh well all right, is that what you needed to tell Evan?"
"Yes, however ill wait for her to wake up. I do not want to deal with a cranky baby."

Donnas pov

Me a brat? Well I never. Who does she think she is. I knew when Mother told us to be more friendly it would turn sour. And I was trying. I took my veil off and everything. Does Alcina not understand the difficulty in doing that? No of course not all she thinks about is what she can get out of me. But this. I truly do not understand why I care. Obviously she doesn't. But Evan and the girls will be devastated if they found-out that I would no longer be in their lives albeit by choice. Alcina has ruined this relationship. Oh wait there wasn't one to being with.

Walking past the countless maids, I managed to make it to my room. God Alcina has it so good 4 daughters, all who love her. A castle big enough for her. Mothers approval. I want it. Why does she get the good life while I sit in a dusty house with Angie. We are all by are selfs, but everyone thinks its okay.
"Evan? What are you doing here?"
"Saw you. Up?" I could never say no, so I pit her on my hip.
"Why cry?"
"Mmh? Oh I am not crying, I just yawned." Good save. Wait lying to a toddler real low.
"Hey doll?"
"Im leaving, and I'm going to stay away for a while."
"Where are we going" we oh how badly I wish I could take you.
"No no not we just me."
"Why?" Why do I tell her the truth?
"I have my friend I need to take care of."
"Oh, down please."I set her down and she waddle away with out turning back. Guess even the baby doesn't want me. Slowly but surely i packed everything, with one thought in my mind. What if I took her? Grabbing my things, I headed to the door.
"Doll what in the world are you up to." Here standing by the door is a little girl with a small bag filled with toys.
"I come?"  I wish. Alcina doesn't deserve you. I do. Ill take great care of you. No no I cant.
"Doll I'm sorry I really am, but your mommy would be so sad if you left."
"Oh I go ask."
"Okay you ask."
"Stay put." I have no intention of doing that doll.
"Okay ill stay put." The moment she was out of my sight, I opened the door and left. Knowing fully that if I didn't she would be sound asleep in my arms on the way to where she belongs.

With me.

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