Donna dearest

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Donnas point of view

"A hat, that looks like yours, but is much much smaller. How much smaller, who is it for?"
"Its for my daughter, Evan."
"Evan? You don't have a daughter named Evan." I was in utter shock, could Alcina have another daughter and not tell me.
"How long have you had her?"
"Not more than a week, but she joined more so this morning.... If she agrees."
"Right, okay. Dear sister, I am coming over to gain the correct measurements."
"Yes, oh thank goodness the faster you get here the better. She wont stop trying to get my hat. And Im a sucker for a cute face to stop her."
"I'll see you in an hour." Unbelievable she has another child. Im not mad, I love the family my sister has but why am I not informed until they need something. I think its time to have a conversation with Alcina.

Alcinas point of view

Donna sounded a little upset, mother miranda only knows why, maybe I should of told her about the baby. I shall talk to her when she gets here.
"Baby, guess what mom- my sister is making you."
Goodness she is precious.
"Yes baby a hat to match mo-me, would you like that." She didn't respond instead she started wiggling about.
"Do you have to go potty?"
"No, hat."
"We still have to wait baby, do you want to at least try?"
"No!" I could sense a tantrum.
"Hey,hey no yelling little girl. Will you try for me?" Guilt card nice.
She sighed and nodded. So I scoop her up off my lap and into my arms.
"Lets go potty then."
I carried Evan to the bathroom, and set her on the floor.
"No do you want me to help you or can you do it?"
"I do it!" She squealed happily. I was a little disappointed, but I did offer just incase.
"Okay baby, i'll be right outside."
I waited outside the bathroom for what seemed to be forever.
"Darling are you okay in there?" No response. I decided the best action would be To go in a check on her. And thats what I did. When I saw her she had tears escaping her eyes, and there looked to be a puddle under where she sat on the floor.
"I no get button off." She sniffled a little while saying.
"Oh babes, thats okay it was an accident, I just wish you got me sooner."
"No mad?"
"Darling I would never get made over and accident like this."
"Yes really, but I think maybe we should try something else for right now, so you don't have to deal with the buttons. But for right now lets give you a bath."
After Evans bath, I wrapped her in a fluffy white towel, and brought her to the nursery. I grab the items I needed and set evan down on the table.
"Babes can you do me a big favor?"
"What it is?"
"Can you let mommy put this on you?"thats when I pulled the pull-up into view. Wait did I say MOMMY? Then there was a knock at the door.

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