Chapter 190 - Buried Secrets

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Chapter Cover: RuneSave lying against a bed with a few feathers beside it as well as a Heart Kruz armor.

The ghoulish creature was struggling beneath the grip of my skeleton looking hand. I could feel the pain upon my left Eye as the tattoo I had there for my Curse burned upon me. It was like a hot metal was pressed continually against me and it was quite painful to me. This thing, whatever it was, had magic written all over it and the numerous apparitions that it had made to Elizabeth's father, to the girl herself and to me…

"You gave me quite the scare last night," I said staring down at the creature I was holding, "Appearing out of nowhere like that. Now I may not know all the information that's going on here but there is something I am sure of."

The creature struggled again, letting out that strange wail again.

"I know you're the one that's killing Elizabeth," I said, "And you're going to tell me exactly who sent you here."

The ghoul let out another wail and this time it had enough strength to push me off and slamming me upward straight into the ceiling of the house causing a loud cracking noise as woods splitered from where I was slammed against. Then I fell back down toward the ground feeling the ghoul escaping from between my fingers.

The pain in my eye increased as I landed down upon the ground upon a crouched stance, instantly locking upon the floating figure that was heading straight for the door that lead to Elizabeth's room. Instantly summoning out my wings, I launched after her using my curse again so that I could touch the creature and with the force and speed I flew forward, I actually crashed through the door, and into the young woman's room.

I heard a scream coming from the bed probably Elizabeth waking up and startled at what was going on in her room as I pushed the ghoulish creature down with my right hand. Then I can feel something stab through my chest causing me to gasp lightly. It was almost like an echoing feeling of getting punched through the gut. Letting out a groan, I used the hand that had the Curse on to swipe at the creature itself causing it to scream out as well before it simply disappeared away.

I fell down upon the ground clutching at the spot I was hit in and stared up toward the direction where the ghoul creature was. I was huffing as well feeling suddenly more tired than I was earlier before when I met it tonight.


I turned my attention toward the direction of the bed, finding Elizabeth standing there with a wide eyed look upon her face. She must have noticed what I had been doing to the creature when I first entered here in the room. The wings I had upon my back dissipated into nothingness as I pulled myself upon my feet.

"Hello," I greeted her.

Elizabeth approached toward where I was. She was wearing a blue robe upon her body and it was a thin colored as well that I could see her body quite clearly so I had to advert my eyes from her body. The young woman glanced around herself and turned her attention toward the broken doors of the room and she had a large eyes.

"What…are you doing?" she asked.

"I…well, I wanted some answers," I told her standing up from where I was on the ground.

Elizabeth was frowned.


"WHO IS THERE?" a booming voice came from the hallway.

James was standing there holding a broom in his hand like a sword. The man was wearing a funny looking pajama upon his body as he was looking around the room with a frown upon his face. He even had a hat to go with the blue color of his outfit.

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