Chapter 155 - Shadow of Zeref

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Chapter Cover: Eve standing alone thought behind her was the familiar shape of the Dark Wizard.

The chill of that magic felt just like Zeref's magic. It was the same feeling from when I felt that power back on Tenrou Island. I could feel myself reacting to it. I could feel a little joy at feeling the sudden surge of the power that I could feel but unlike how it felt when I was on the island, this felt a lot weaker…

So…Jellal and the others were right, I thought, You were getting involved in the Games Zeref…but if it's him…why would he come here?

The headache that I felt upon my head was mild and I placed a hand upon my face so that I don't really feel anything like I did while I was on Tenrou Island. I felt a light touch upon my arm, drawing my attention toward it's owner finding Erza staring at me with concern in her eyes.

"Eve…are you alright?" she asked, "You looked a little pale."

I stared at her for a few moments.

"I felt it," I answered her.

The redhead blinked.

"Felt it?" she repeated.

"That magic Jellal spoke to us about," I said, "I can feel it."

A sudden urgent look crossed the redhead features as she observed me.

"Can you tell where it's coming from?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"No," I said, "But I'm going to go find whoever is responsible for it."

"I'm coming with you," she said.

I shook my head.

"No," I told her, "You're still injured from your Pandemonium battle and I don't want them to get worse. Me on the other hand, I am still fine. If this gets dangerous, I'm sure I'll be able to deal with whatever it is."

Erza looked like she was going to argue but a sudden explosion coming from the Arena as well as sudden large winds blowing everywhere drew her attention toward it. I also glanced down toward the Arena noticing that both Wendy and her opponent Chelia were standing across each other both of them huffing lightly. Pretty even so far from what I can see.

"Will you be okay?" Erza asked.

I glanced at her and then a small smile grew upon my lips.

"I will be careful," I told her, "In things like these, I know how to be really careful and considering that it is him, I will be extra cautious. I just managed to get something I wanted for such a long time Erza, I won't go screwing things up by dying."

The redhead continued to stare at me for a few moments before a small smile grew upon her lips.

"Alright," she said, "Just come back safely alright."

"Your wish is my command," I answered her.

I continued to walk away leaving the Team A to continue to enjoy the match Wendy was having against Chelia.

"Eve, you're not going to watch the rest of the match?"

It was Gray and the young man was glancing at my direction. The young man had both of his hand into his pocket as he stared at me.

"Sorry," I told him, "But you can go ahead and cheers her on for me Gray."

I gave a light wave of my hand before turning away from him. The cheers of the battle were going on intensified as I walked down the hallway by myself. I could still sense the magic from Zeref's magic surging through me. While we did theorize that it could have been a device and then that they had placed a filter…then why are we suddenly sensing it's presence.

Child Of Heaven (Fairy Tail Erza x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt