Chapter 180 - A Blast from the Past

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Chapter Cover: Eve lying down upon a bed with a gentle smile upon her lips with the covers upon her form.

A sight that I was familiar with was the sight of couples being all over each other in public.

It was something that I had become used to seeing whenever I went on Jobs or was simply walking down the streets. I could never understand their need to be so close to each other like this. If they were dating then, they would be able to see each other all the times and I had sometimes wondered if they could never get tired of each other.

But now, I think I have come to understand one of the reasons why.

After having Erza's naked skin against mine, I had wanted to touch the redhead all the damn time. I never realized that I was such a needy person until I realized just how much I wanted her. It was a feeling that terrified me if I was honest to myself. I was dating her, and I was kissing her most of the time, but I never realized how much loving someone can be this intoxicating. When I first fell in love with her, I had wanted to hide it and keep our relationship as normal as possible but thinking back to those times, I came to realize why Juvia had been able to see how much I really liked that beautiful redhead of mine.

Waking up this morning had been one of the best ways I ever had woken up. Both Erza and I were cuddling against each other the soft warm of her naked skin against mine and it the best feeling that I ever had in all of my time. Waking up on the same bed in such an intimate position felt so domestic that I found myself wondering if I could wake up every day like this for the rest of the my life. It was just a fleeting thought, but somehow, my heart started doing back flip because of it. I was so in love with that girl that it wasn't even funny just how much I wanted her.

God I sound like a sap, I thought shaking my head.

I gave the still sleeping redhead a soft kiss on the cheek before rolling out of the comforting warm that I was basking into. I had to get ready for the day and to be prepared to go on a Job. It had been nearly a month now since I have taken a job and with the Grand Magic Games finally over, and Fairy Tail back on top of the world, having good jobs is going to be a given if all of the good ones weren't taken yet.

When I stepped into the bathroom, I chanced a glance toward my appearance and found a young woman staring back. Her silver eyes looked sharper and by staring back at it, I noticed the difference almost immediately. The slit down in the middle of them was almost catlike in a way and I can see the pointed ears that I had had become even more pronounced than before. They were no denying it now that I was part of the Non-Human races now. I leaned closer to the mirror and gave a smile. My canines had sharpened as well and it reminded me of Gajeel whenever he smirked and even Wendy had a similar dentures. However, what really showed the difference was the black tattoo that was permanently placed on the left side of my face over my left eye. The thickest of the lines was drawn like a backward L upon my skin and it was elegantly done as well almost like an old calligraphy. The other one was smaller but more detailed looking as it seems to be like a design that I had never seen before. It was oddly beautiful but at the same time there was this sense coming from the newly formed image there…like there was something just rippling beneath the surface waiting to be released and I knew that it must be the same power…Curse that caused that destruction when I first used it.

Shaking my head, I turned my attention away from it, taking a quick shower. When I was done and stepping out of the room, Erza was already awake and she was walking out dressed only in her bra and skirt. Noticing me, the redhead gave me a small grin one which I returned.

"Morning," she greeted.

"Hey, you just woke up?" I asked her.

"I woke up a while ago," she answered, "When I didn't see you there...I thought you'd had already left but I heard the shower running."

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