Chapter 28 - A friend of a time past

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To say Samara was shocked to see me was an underestimation.

The girl…no, woman now was staring at me in shock all over her features, unable to believe that it was actually me standing in front of her. She was all but frozen where she stood, staring at me…her eyes unbelievably wide.

"Eve…," she whispered, "You…You…You're here."

I smiled beneath my mask.


She stepped forward, her small hands taking hold of my head as she touched my face.

"It's really you," she whispered, tears falling out of her eyes, "My little sister…,"

She looked much older than I remembered, but she still looks the same as she did when she was a small child. Considering the last time I saw her, I was only four year old. Her arms were suddenly thrown around my shoulders and I can feel her trembling and she was still crying as I pulled her into a hug.

"It's really you Eve," she said, "I never thought that I would see you again. When you stopped writing me…"

"I never meant to," I told her, "I never…"

"I know," she whispered, "I can tell."

She stepped back from the hug looking down at me. She was still taller than me as she always had been and she was looking at me up and down.

"You got big," she whispered.

"And you're old."

"I'm only in my twenties Eve," she said with a soft chuckle, "But what with the mask thought?"

I froze looking away from her.

"It's a long story,"

She smiled.

"I have time…at least, I have to hear what my little sister had been up to all these years," Samara said a light chuckle in her voice, "C'mon."

She took hold of my hand, pulling me along with her as we leave the cemetery behind. It feels just like back then when we were children, as she was the one to be always pulling me somewhere. It made me smile, even thought, we have been separated for so long…it seems something don't change at all.

When we found a small café within the town, Samara and I talked about what we have been up for the time we have been apart. On her end, Samara was about to get engaged next month so she had being coming back here every year since she had learn of the engagement and it turns out that she was the one to pay for Sasha Matlock funeral.

"Whenever I would come here, I would think of you," she said smiling into her coffee, "This place was a way to become closer to you considering you never had replied to me. I thought that you have forgotten or something had happened."

I looked down.

"Something happened to me," I told her, "Something I would never wish upon anyone Samara."

She looked at me.

"Just what is it Eve?"

So I told her everything that had happened ever since I was captured and thrown into the Tower. I told her of the fears I faced, of the people I befriended and everything in between. Safe to say, Samara was shocked to learn what I have gone through.

"…and that's the reason I came here," I finished.

"You've led quite an interesting life haven't you?" she said.

I stared at her confused.

"Not the reaction I expected from you Samara," I told her.

She chuckled.

Child Of Heaven (Fairy Tail Erza x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now