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Today's chapter will be with an anonymous point of view. Just for fun, and you guys will see whose it is at the end. Plus, I know most of you would find out right away anyway.

But comment your guess once you find out. I wanna see :)


You know what, I'm starting to get used to this whole "people ogling you on the street" thing. I really am. I mean, you don't see someone like me everytime you go out for a walk or step into your balcony for fresh air. To put it simply, I'm once in a lifetime sight. You got to soak up a good view while you're at it, so I understand it.

My green slash blue eyes are rare, I know. And my black, silky hair that reaches just above my nipples, yeah, it's catchy. Not to mention my super model body type. Gosh, sometimes I wonder how I'm not married yet.

But I don't wonder for long, men are utterly useless, I'd be damned if I adopted one of those to be my spouse. As in a for life thing. Of course, I could get rid of him easily, but why bother? If I get bored, I can rent one, but tying myself to anyone just sounds disgusting. Not doing that mistake again, like ever. The thought of getting attached to something again makes me want to hurl up my insides. The mere thought of it gets me shuddering.

The sound of my beige heel boots clicking on the pavement is all I can hear. Don't get me wrong, I love the sound my heels make, they make me feel powerful, but damn this town is silent. I'm talking si-lent. With a heavy emphasis on the si. Not a single dog is barking, not even a bird chirping. If I didn't get easily annoyed with noisy places, I'd say it's creepy.

But I find that relaxing.

I mean, it's called Town of the Dead for a reason, right?

But that's the thing almost no body knows. The reason it's called that, isn't because it's a quiet town or anything close to that. That's just stupid.

The vampires named it that way, because there are terrifying amounts of vampires here. It's like a Vampire Town, but that's not a cool name, I guess. There are about three families left here that are human and most of the humans in those said families that have been hunted down anyway, so if I'm being realistic, there are about 6 or 7 humans left in this town. You may ask, "Well, how come they're still alive?"

The answer is, we have a rule.

Help us, we spare you.

Each and every human living in this town is helping me and my people by some way or another. Stealing blood bags, hunting down humans that pass by on nearby roads, sometimes even acting as our walking blood supply. Sounds gross, but a few of them have a pain kink, so they don't mind it when we sip blood straight out from their veins like we're drinking a damn martini.

I control everyone and everyone grovels for my mercy.

Except this freaking human vision of Lola bunny that won't just listen to the plan I've set out for her.

Always veering and jumping over my fucking traps like she has freaking four leaved clovers stuffed inside her pocket.

Every single time I tell myself I've got her under my control, she magically manages to get herself out of it.

But not anymore.

"Why?" You may ask, well, first of all, you ask a lot of questions, second of all, I got a call from Bethanie, telling me she's all ready for me to take.

And oh the victory I felt. I'm only four millimeters close to skipping my way to her house.

I've been trying to make a fool proof plan that doesn't require me getting involved for so long. Too long. The thing is, I don't have loyal servants. Wait, let me rephrase that. I don't have smart loyal servants. I thought this little mission of catching the blond mouse would be as easy as stealing blood from a baby.

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