Chapter 59: Greyson

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I walk into the kitchen and see vince and oaks talking too each other, heads bowed close and in a conversation I can't hear. After a minute or so Oaks hugs Vince and Enzo walks through the door with hunter, Matt and Elliot all closely behind. I walk up to them and Vince gets out the blue prints of the Russians house just as indigo walks through and stands next to me.

Vince explains the plan and we disband to get ready, we're leaving at seven pm so we still have fifteen minutes before we have to leave. I go up to indigos bedroom and put on my usual black shirt with an open collar and some black pants.

I load my guns and put one in my waistband in case I loose my other one or drop it. I keep a spare cartridge in my pocket and watch as indigo walks into the room and in to her closet. She comes out with a pair of black cargos and a black cami top.

"You're leaving when we get to Vladimir aren't you" I tell her more than I'm asking her and she looks at me and rolls her eyes.

"Indigo I'm being serious, the deal was you come if you leave when we have Vladimir" I say and she shakes her head and changes in to her cargos.

"No I'm not, get over it grey I'm more than capable at handling myself and you know I am, don't give me bullshit, I'm staying when we get him so deal with that or stay here"I remain quiet as she finishes her little speech and she pulls her cami over her head and looks to me.

"Well?" She asks and I smile softly at her.

"I'm just listening to you baby" I tell her and she huffs and picks up her dagger.

"So I'm staying yes?" She continues and I nod and accept the fact that I'm not winning this one.

"Let's go" she says and my gaze shifts to the clock, it's five to seven so we have to leave for the house now.We get downstairs and get into the cars we're taking. Indigo and I go with Matt and Elliot whilst Hunter, Enzo, my dad and Vince all go in a separate car. Oakley is staying at the house but he will do all the system shutdowns for us.

When we arrive at Vladimir's mansion indigo shudders and looks to me with an expression of disgust.

"Mio Dio this man has no architectural sense whatsoever" (my god) I look over at her and she shrugs.

"That's what your thinking about" I reply and she pulls a face at me.

"Yes Greyson that's what I'm thinking about" she mocks and the car stops and pulls up to a gate where a man dressed in a suit steps out from a white security box.

"Can I help you?" He asks and Indigo smiles and takes my gun from my hands.

"Yes you can" she says and shoots him in the head. She gives me my gun back and i sigh. So irritating..

The gate opens, courtesy of Oakley and We pull into the driveway and indigo gets out with Matt and Elliot closely behind. I follow them too and we go through the front door shooting the guards that try and intercept us on the way.

We enter the house and look around it seems quiet...too quiet. Indigo walks out in front of me and steps back into me as a figure emerges from the dark.

"I was expecting you" fucking Vladimir.

"Well it's always nice to feel welcomed" Matt hums out and Vladimir scowls at him. Through the earpiece I hear vince curse and Enzo speak in Italian.

Indigo swears under her breath and looks to me.

"He was expecting us, the rest are trapped in a room even oaks can't get them out of" she states and I sigh. I hate the Russians with such a burning passion it actually hurts.

Matt and Elliot drop down suddenly and I turn to see two thick red dart like things in the necks. Drugged.

Indigo steps forward but Vladimir pulls out a gun. He aims it at me and I feel a sharp sting in my neck. Fuck

I go down to my knees but due to the extensive drug training I had when I was younger my system is prepared to cope with certain things such as tranquilizer. I get my gun out but indigo is falling next to me as well so I put out an arm to catch her. She lands softly and her eyes droop.

"One of you has to die I'm afraid" Vladimir drawls and I grunt.

"Which one though"

"Me" I say just before indigo and she glares at me with tears forming in her eyes.

"Your tattooed on my heart and etched on my soul, I could close my eyes and recite every inch of your face and body from memory as if you were stood right in front of me, every freckle, every curve and every scar. Falling in love with you is the best thing that could've happened to me. This life wasn't ready for us indigo but our next one will be and the ones after that and I promise to fall in love with you in every single one" I say and place the most delicate kiss to her lips.

"But I'm lost without you" she says through her gentle sobs and rests her forehead on mine.

"No you're not baby you're just scared but you don't need to be because I'll be watching over you until you find me again" she cries and I can only hold her as sobs rack her body and rip out my heart.

"I love you blue"

"I love you grey"

It's silent for a second as we lock eyes and I feel the hard metal of Vladimir's gun on my head I close my eyes and smirk.

He doesn't really think I'm going to let him kill me does he?


What has he got up his sleeve I wonder?

Love y'all!

Happy reading!

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