Chapter 4: Greyson

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It's been a couple of hours since I found out I'm getting married.


That's sounds really weird, i personally wouldn't say I'm husband material, I don't buy girls flowers and open their doors, in fact I do the opposite especially with indigo. A few months ago I had to go in the car with her to the annual mafia ball and to make it worse I had to sit in the back. There was barely any room for me because her dress was so big and I was actually scared when she threatened to kill me after I accidentally trod on a bit of it.

Anyway I got out and slammed the door in her face and then got chased into the ball by indigo who started waving her heel at me. Suffice to say we made a rather grand entrance.

I'm currently at one of our wear houses trying to get information out of a Russian rat that's in our mafia.

"Tell me where your boss is and we won't have any issues" I say to the man tied up in front of me

"I'm not telling you shit" he sneers at me

"Ill give you a quicker death" I say

I won't

"Really?" Jesus fuck how stupid is this guy



"I don't think you will, and if you do then your reputation must be wrong" does this idiot want to be tortured

"Look, Stuart-"

"Steven, my names Steven" did this fucker just interrupt me?

I signal to my right hand man, Lucas, to get me the blow torch and turn back around.

"Obviously you don't know as much as you think you do about me Shawn, but one thing I absolutely despise is when some low life fuck who's name I can't even remember decides to interrupt me, with their irrelevant whining" I say, taking the blow torch off of Lucas and switching it on.

I lift it to his arm and watch as his skin singes and burns from the flame that's unmercifully licking at his flesh. He grunts in pain but doesn't let another sound escape his lips. Hmm interesting.

"Sure you don't want to say anything?" Lucas asks, the man shakes his head "it's your funeral" I here Luke mumble as he walks to get one of the knives from the table in the corner.

Lucas passes me the knife and I cut a hole in the leg of the man's trousers, by his knee, and plunge the dagger in. His face contorts in pain but he still stays quiet. I twist the knife sideways twice and he finally lets out a scream. I smile

"Now would you like to tell me where he is" silence "no?"


I grab my gun and shoot him in the leg right where I stabbed him. When he still doesn't say anything I shoot him in the hand and at this point he's twisting in the chair and crying in agony how pathetic, now I'm bored.

"I suggest you tell me where you're boss is before I give you the most painful death you could imagine" I say. Picking up the knife again, I walk closer to him and grab his face in my hand. I slice his lip downwards and blood spills out his mouth "don't make it your tongue Sam" I say once again mocking his name.

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