Chapter 45: Indigo

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The garden has a lively atmosphere as people chat to one another and walk around the different activities. I'm currently talking to Luca and his girlfriend Amiya who's the head of tech for grey. I met her a few months ago and I did see something between them not gonna lie.

"So how have you been after what happened?" She asks with a concerned look on her face and I smile at her. I don't like bringing what happened up. I'm trying really fucking hard to forget about it but I can't.

I can't respond, I don't know what's wrong with me, I feel an arm wrap around my waist and I look up to see grey staring at me with a worried look in his eyes.

"What did you say to her?" He snaps and I see Amiya shuffle closer to Luca.

"Grey calm down she asked if indi was ok after what happened" Luca explains and I give them both an apologetic smile at how rude grey sounded.

"Why the fuck would you ask that" grey responds and groans, he rubs my back and kisses my cheek softly.

"Are you ok baby?" He asks and I nod and come back to my senses. I grab his hand and he squeezes my fingers.

"Sorry" I say and Amiya shakes her head, her features softening at my apology which I kind of don't mean because it's not my fault she asked me a stupid question because I'm fine.

I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine

I take a breath and smile back at her while turning and leading grey away from them, we walk towards my parents and my dad hugs me to his side when we reach them.

"You ok my sweet girl" he asks and I nod my head, i kiss his cheek and walk back over to grey, Alessia is licking her finger and rubbing some food off his cheek.

"Mum stop!" He protests and Alessia flicks his forehead.

"You think indigo wants be walking around with a man that's got food round his mouth....No so I'm doing you a favor now fuck off and I love you" she gives very mixed signals.

Grey walks over to me and goes behind my back, he wraps his arms around me and rests his head on the top of mine. We talk to Hunter and Enzo for a bit and I feel a tug at my dress.

I look down and see soph in tears, I panic and bend down getting out of greys grasp and picking her up from the floor, she looks fucking adorable in her white dress and little sparkly heels.

"What's wrong soap" I ask and she sniffles.

"No one will go on the bungee jump with me indi" she tells me and grey bends down to our level and kisses her forehead.

"I'll go with you sweetheart" he tells her and she reaches for him, a chorus of me too's echo through the group and suddenly all my brothers and grey are walking towards the person supervising the bungee jump. The man looks startled for a second but he recollects himself and nods along to all the guys.

They all get strapped in and I walk over to where they are with Am. We watch in amusement as Oakley closes his eyes and takes some deep breaths before getting on the trampoline and having the harness put on. All the guys are watching him because he's the last one and they all begin to jump.

Sophs giggles fill the air and all the boys look at her with smiles......apart from Oakley.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD, IM GOING TO DIE, I CAN ALREADY SEE DEATH APPROACHING........JESUS IS THAT YOU!" Oakes screams in a rather high pitched voice and all the guys stop and look at him as he bounces like 3 foot in the air.

"What are you doing daddy?" Soph asks and Oakley just looks at her blankly with a pale face.

"Keep jumping all of you I don't know why you're creating such a scene" their creating a scene? Has he heard himself.

"MIO DIO, MIO DIO, HOLY FUCK" (oh my god, oh my god) he chants and bounces in the air while grey looks to him and laughs.

"You think you're so funny grey? well you can just fuck off" oaks says and grey just laughs even harder.

"I am funny" grey says and they all stop bouncing when soph exclaims to everyone that she's bored. They all un strap but Oakley stays where he is.

"Come on get down!" Elliot shouts to him and Oakley sends him a glare.

"I am traumatized" he says and tries to unstrap himself but stops.

"My traumas way fucking worse dip shit, at least you weren't kidnapped!" Everyone looks at me and I smile sheepishly.

"Would you stop making your trauma funny" my mum says and grey holds his fist out to me and we fist bump.

Oakley eventually gets down and soph leads them all over to the princess themed bouncy castle. I'm the fist to run onto it and begin bouncing. Sue me, I fucking love bouncy castles.

All the boys follow suit and I smile at how ridiculous this all looks, there's mafia bosses and mafia men bouncing around on a princess themed bouncy castle because a little five year old asked them too. Sophie has them all wrapped around her little finger.

I watch as Matt and grey take turns sitting down while the other one bounces the other in the air, they are such children. I'm struggling to differentiate between the 5 year old and my fiancée currently.

We all get off and head over to the candy floss machine.

"Not to much sugar for her grey" Am warns as grey takes her over to the machine. Grey does that I'm not listening to what you're saying smile and holds Sophs hand as they get their candy floss.

It pulls at my heart strings when I watch grey with soph, it's really fucking cute. I smile at them and walk over to my mum who's talking to Charles. I get into a conversation with them and wait for grey to come and find me.


It takes him another 45 minutes to find me and when he does a look of relief coats his features, he smiles and walks over to me with a stick of candy of candy floss in one hand and a hot dog in the other slightly swaying from side to side

"Hey baby" I greet him when he walks up to me and smiles lazily.

"Hi" he waves and places a kiss on my cheek. I look at him funny when I smell alcohol.

"Where did you get alcohol?" I ask and he grins at me and shrugs.

"Matt had it, it wasn't me, I promise" he says slurring his words and I smile at him.

"Where's soph?"

"With Am" he tells me and I look at the hot dog he's holding.

"Where did you get your hot dog big guy?" I ask and looks at me confused.

"Umm....I don't really know" that is kind of gross, I take it from him and put it In the trash, he hugs me and I stroke the back of his head .

"I'm just happy because of you" he mumbles into my shoulder and hiccups.

"Are you?" I ask and he nods, his head heavy on my shoulder.

"Grey we have to be at the family dinner in half an hour, our mums will kill you if you're drunk" I tell him and he hums.

"I'm not drunked, I'm going to Matt" he tells me and nods at himself.

I grab his arm and turn him around to face me again.

"No more alcohol" I tell him and he presses a quick kiss to my lips.

"I won't drink more" with that he walks off into the crowd.


I think he might drink more.

Love y'all!

Happy reading!

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