Chapter 10: Greyson

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It's been three weeks since I was shot and I'm pretty much back to normal. Indigo is supposed to move in to our estate today for 6 months and the last 6 months before we're married we'll live at the knightly estate. I don't want to test fate but I feel like she'll hog the duvet.

"Grey!" My mum shouts up the stairs "they're here!" For fucks sake I'm not prepared to deal with the little firecracker today.

"I've arrived!" Oakleys voice echos through the house, I roll my eyes at him and head downstairs. Despite the 3 year age gap in between us, Oakley and I are very close friends. "Grey bear!" He shouts as I come into view, we bro hug and Matteo comes up and jumps on me.

"Don't try anything with her, I'll end you" he threatens and then smiles at me, I want whatever the fuck he's on.

"Hey broski" Elliot says as he walks up to me and ruffles my hair. I shove his hand off and laugh. Their all like brothers to me.

Lastly indigo walks through the door with.... A puppy. I Fucking hate dogs. She knows that.

"Greyson darling, I brought you a home warming pressie!" She exclaims smirking at me.

"Whatever the fuck that is I don't want it, it looks like, well actually what Fucking breed is that?" It's tripping over its ears and it's got flaps of skin all over its face paired with short stumpy legs. It's ugly.

"He is not an it, he's a basset hound and he's called roger, he's 9 weeks old" I can't believe this girl.

"We are not keeping that, take it back" i say scrunching my face up

"Please" not the fucking puppy eyes

I hate her
I hate her
I hate her

I don't

"No, and that's final"


Indigo is asleep on our bed, yeah our bed. Both our parents are forcing us to share the Fucking bed. Anyways she walked straight up to my room and made herself right at home, there's perfume on the vanity table that's she's had put in my room , with a load of powder, lipstick and....paint brushes? Whatever the fuck it is its scaring me.

But she didn't stop there, oh no, she went further. She moved my play station and put a fucking dog bed in its place. Roger is now asleep on my bed instead of his bed and he's fucking snoring.

The boys and her parents left a couple of hours ago and I was abandoned with the she devil, alone.

Me? What am I doing now though? I'm unpacking indigos bags for her because apparently she's hurt her knee, I got shot 3 weeks ago but that's long in the past according to her and I need to suck it up and be a man. When I told her that's was sexist she threw her toothbrush at me and threatened to kill me in my sleep. I wouldn't put it past her so I shut up.

I finish putting her clothes in the wardrobe and look at the clock next to my bed, it's 11pm. I just wasted 5 hours of my life unpacking a shit load of crap from indigo knightly's bag, what has my life come too.

"Yeah frick you too roger"I sneer at the puppy as he glares at me, indigo told me I wasn't allowed to swear around him cause he's a 'baby'. I take off my top, leaving my grey sweatpants on and get in the other side of the bed from indigo. I switch off the light and start to drift off to sleep, that probably won't happen though, I have to take pills before I sleep because I have insomnia. It's Fucking annoying especially now when I've run out of pills and I can't get more until tomorrow. So I lay on my back and wait.

My head shoots over to indigo as she whimpers and I see her hands searching for something so I hold out my hand and she grabs onto my pointer finger, she stops moving and relaxes. After a bit she moves over to me and throws her leg over my lower stomach, she'd kill me if she was awake and knew I let her do this, I grab my phone and take a photo, blackmail.

The moon shines on her face and I look at the freckles that cover her nose and the way her eyelashes touch her rosy cheeks, no doubt she's beautiful.

I feel sleepy and my eyes start to close but before I can go to sleep something moves at the bottom of the bed. I prop myself up by the arm that indigos not holding and look to see where the movement came from. Roger is stumbling up the duvet with his nose down on the sheets sniffing everything and he keeps treading on his long ass ears.

He falls on his face and face plants onto the bed, i laugh and he gets up, wandering up onto my legs and treading on my dick. Little shit, that hurts like a mother fucker.

"I know you can understand me you little fatty, Indigos not awake to protect you now-" I whisper at him careful not to wake up boss lady next to me but stop when he climbs up my chest and lays down on me, his head on my shoulder and his massive paws either side of my neck.  He lets out a big sigh and starts snoring five seconds later.

"Night fatty" I say to him before falling asleep without my medication for the first time in years.


Bit of a filler but I hope you guys liked it, I'm on vacation for 3 nights in New York at the moment but I'll still try to keep you updated, they might just be a bit shorter chapters, sorry!

The dramas about to kick off in the next few chapters so get ready.

I have a basset hound and omg he's fucking adorable so I had to put one in here.
Thankyou so much for 6k reads, that's amazing !

Happy reading my loves!

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