When He Held Me

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Author's Note (especially to the readers who already finished this previously):

I accidentally deleted this chapter 😭😭💔💔.

Apparently, there's no way to retrieve it anymore so I am publishing it again. I am so heartbroken to lose your reads, votes, and comments. Gaaahhh...

It's okay... The published one was like version xx, but I tried by best to reconstruct it from the version 5.0 I had in my phone. *sniff, sniff, long and steady exhale*

Sending you lots of love 💕


"I don't feel like it," Damian took his hands into his pockets.

"Are you sure, Bossman? Word says there's a new game in the arcade," Emile said.

"Enjoy then," Damian curtly replied.

"O-Okay," Ewen said. The two boys left, their faces pulled down, as Damian shut the door.

Damian sighed.

It's been two hours since his friends left. He watched television and doodled non-stop but nothing eased the dullness of his Sunday.

When it was about time for lunch, Damian decided to eat at his favorite restaurant. He called in his chauffeur who immediately fetched him with his limousine. He thought of enjoying a good meal for himself, but he did not expect what he saw.

Four bodyguards were there at the back of his ride. It's not that he goes around without one, as he always does with his chauffeur.

But additional four today. Really?!

'What a bother,' he thought. Is he under surveillance again?

He came to his first destination. Damian went inside the VIP restaurant and was reserved the same room where he treated Anya one evening, to his surprise.

'Hm.' He sat on the same seat he took that day and ordered his meal.

Damian gazed at the empty seat in front of him. He remembered Anya worrying about the expensive food, then engulfing the peanut cake he ordered for her.

And when he said he doesn't eat there with anyone, he recalled her speaking non-stop to pester him.

He giggled at the memories.

'It was when I realized it can be fun to be with someone here. I should invite Ewen and Emile next time,' he thought.

It would have been a nice alone time had he not been distracted by one of his bodyguards checking on him by the glass door. He felt annoyed thinking they might have seen him giggling all by himself. He took a sharp sigh.

'Seriously, why do they have to be here? They usually just stay in the limousine.'

Feeling irritated, Damian dialed the Desmond butler's line. The man on the other end politely responded to his inquiry.

"Master Damian, the group that your father heads received reports that there is a spy in Ostania who is likely to interfere with his... affairs," the butler explained.

"Master Donovan was advised to take additional precautions to avoid contact with the enemy which could result in despicable outcomes; hence, the heightened security for every Desmond, young master."

A spy in Ostania? Well, there probably is a spy in every country anyway. Interfere with his affairs? What could be his father's business that would merit the need for a spy, and how can it lead to despicable outcomes? To Damian, this situation his butler explained feels far-fetched that he couldn't outright accept it.

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