To Teams for the Stella

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"I don't want to go to school, mama."

Anya's friend, Becky, has fever and won't be coming to school. That's why Anya refused to part from her bed. She told Yor about it.

"Anya will be alone in school because Becky won't be there. Anya will just be bullied non-stop again." Anya said, her face buried in her pillows.

Yor had to think of something to convince Anya to go to school. Loid would probably say that this is a golden opportunity for her mission. However, she wants Anya to be able to stand for herself and wean her dependence from Becky.

"But Anya," she said, stroking the girl's hair, "You can't just be absent because Becky isn't coming, you know. You have to be in class for her."

"I have to be there for her?" Anya pondered. "You mean, I have to listen and take notes so that I can help her out with the lessons she missed?"

"Exactly," Yor said with a pointed finger. "As her friend, it would be nice if you are able to help her that way, don't you think?"

Anya sat on her bed, her fists clenched. "Okay mama. I will go to school and face everyone for Becky!" She said with a determined face.

Yor smiled. "Now then, should we start preparing?"

"Mmm, mmm." Anya nodded.


"Becky Blackbell is absent today because she is sick." Mr. Henderson announced.

Anya was alone in her desk that day. Nevertheless, she was determined to fight the drowse for her friend. 'I need to study well for Becky.'

The morning classes went by. Anya was so focused to the lesson that she seemed to have grasped it well. She even answered correctly when she was called! 'Anya is smart after all! Anya just needs a push!' She thought to herself. She was so focused she doesn't notice the students' thoughts and Damian's stare.

'Dammit, why is she not looking to my direction?' Damian thought. Yet, he was surprised by Anya's attentiveness in class today. 'My, I must've rubbed off on her. Good for her.' He grinned proudly, thinking his drive to study has saved Anya from perilous class performance.

Emile whispered to them, "Shrimp is doing well today, doesn't she?"

Ewen replied, "Yeah, I usually am confident with myself, but I feel dumb seeing her like this today."

"Well, Shrimp must've had something in her after all." Damian said.

Emile and Ewen looked at each other. "Bossman, you seem a bit nicer to her nowadays. Did anything happen?"

Damian hasn't told anyone about studying alone with Anya. He hasn't talked to them about the strange feelings he's having toward the mere commoner. He is Damian Desmond after all, how can he fall for her? Yet, eight days ago, he finally reconciled to himself that he did have feelings for her. She said what he needed to hear, did what he desperately wanted someone from his family to do for him. However, he kept all that happened to himself.

"Nothing," he answered, blushing slightly because of his flashbacks. "I just- no longer find insulting her amusing."

Emile and Ewen looked at each other. "Bossman... are you crushing on Anya?"

Damianya Side Stories • Spy x Family FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang