Part 3 "First day"

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(You should watch the yt video ^^)

Tw: homophobic slurs,
verbal abuse, and physical abuse.

He opens the door expecting to see the

And there they are Dustin, Lucas, Max, El, Will, and Mike all there with their stuff eagerly waiting for him to let them in.

"Hey guys" Steve says and smiles brightly
"Hey Steve" they all say in union Steve chuckles at that as they rush in setting up there game Steve gets some snacks and drinks and goes to the living room.

They already have everything set up and are already playing and arguing Steve can't help but smile they really bring him a sense of comfort he puts the snacks down for them and they thank him.

As the kids are all playing Steve decides to work out, going to change, he comes back and is shirtless and in short shorts he then begins his work out in the living room doing push ups, jumping jacks, planks, squats, etc.

While he is doing all this Will is staring at him he doesn't know why he is staring but he is Steve notices this and tries to brush it off will tries to not stare but keeps glancing back to him the others take notice as well and ask him why he is staring he tries to play it off saying he's curious about the workout it's obvious he's lying but they dont say anything

"What's that noise?" says Mike "boom boom boom BOOM! THE DEMOGORGAN IS HERE what do you do will"?

"Fireball or cast protection"?

"FIREBALL!" Shouts lucas, "No it's to risky cast protection" says Dustin "uh" says will "FIREBALL" "NO PROTECTION" "FIREBALL" "PROTECTION" "OK FIREBALL" says will he rolls the dice and it lands on an 8 "YEAHH" screams Lucas "Oh whatever you got lucky" says Dustin.

Mike smiles and high fives Will they hold eye contact for awhile but it gets broken by Steve talking.

"It's getting late" Steve says "I gotta get up early to go to work tomorrow so yall gotta go now" they all groan "uh-huh yeah you will understand one day kids now chop chop get!" He says as he puts his hands on his hips.

They all giggle about it and whisper to each other. He rolls his eyes not having a clue what they could be laughing about.

Once they are gone Steve cleans up the mess they made but he doesn't mind.

He gets ready for bed after eating he takes his shorts off just in his boxers and brushes his teeth and flosses then smiling big in the mirror to check his teeth.

He gets into bed and just stares at the ceiling for a bit before falling asleep.

Saturday 7am:

Steve wakes due to his alarm beeping, he quickly smacks it shutting it off and groans yet gets up anyway, he needs to work so.

He does his morning routine then going downstairs to make himself some potatoes eggs for protein he grabs his red trunks and whistle for work and sets off.


Billy wakes up once again because of Neil this time he's more upset he barges in Billy's room and yells at him "GET THE FUCK UP BILLY AND GO WORK" Billy quickly gets up and nods Neil goes up to Billy and grabs him pinning him against the wall "I can't hear you" Neil says "Yes sir" Billy says sternly.

Neil let's him go and slams his door on his way out. Billy feels a single tear roll down his cheek. He quickly wipes it and begins to get ready to leave for work putting his trunks and whistle into his bag and putting on some jeans and a white tank top.

He opens his door slowly and walks towards the front door before he can open it he is met with his father drunkly screaming at him at 7am Susan already gone.

"W- where the fuck are y- y -you going faggot" he slurs his words while he stumbles towards Billy.

Billy is taken back by this and says "I'm going to work sir like you told me to"THEN GET THE FUCK OUT WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE" Neil Shouts "BECAUSE YOU STOPPED ME" Billy Shouts back. Neil punched his face hard Billy fell to the ground holding his cheek "DONT YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT BOY" Neil says as he punches him a few more times before getting up and going to his room mumbling something.

Billy got up bruised and slightly bleeding and walked to his car checking himself in the mirror looking at what his father did he pulled out of the driveway driving very fast gripping the steering wheel tightly. He got to the public pool in record time he quickly wiped his face and got out.


Steve heard a loud car engine and went to see what it was. He stepped out of the changing room And saw Billy's car "why is he here" he thought to himself "guess he's gonna swim" he went back to the changing rooms and put his uniform on which was just some short shorts and a whistle.

He heard the door open and was surprised to see Billy walking in there. Billy was surprised as well to see Steve "Billy?" "Why are you in here this is employees only" Steve said "I am a fucking employee dumbass" "why are you in here?" Billy says.

"I'm an employee too" Steve said then he suddenly noticed Billy's face, the bruises and slightly dried blood. "Jesus Billy what happened to you?" "None of you damn business harrington" Billy said while changing he took his pants off and boxers Steve glanced at the perfect time to see his dick he stared for a second before quickly looking away and going out the door.

Billy saw him stare but never said anything. He walked outside as well seeing steve chatting with some dude by his car he didn't recognize it was another guy who looked to be about their age with Long dark curly hair he was to close to Steve for Billy's liking. He looked like he was... flirting? With steve?! "Why the hell are they so close?" Billy thought.

He got into his chair seated above everyone starting at Steve and this mystery man with his shades on so they couldn't tell. Billy saw the guy finally leave and steve came back looking nervous and blushing hard
"is he.. blushing?" Billy thought to himself

Some kid was running to fast around the pool and Billy blew his whistle "Hey kid!" Billy shouted the kid stopped running and looked at billy confused "stop running before I ban you for life jackass" the kid saw Billy's face and got scared "do you wanna be banned for life hm?" The kid quickly shook his head no "didn't think so now stop running" the kid nodded and never ran again.

Steve observed it all and admired Billy's body "Jesus christ God took her time sculptin- wait what the hell am I thinking about" he made a disgusted face and shook his head slightly he leanded back in his chair signing thinking "why do I keep feeling this way".

"Am I gay?"

"No! No way" I like women for sure". He then remembered how he hasn't found himself attracted to any women ever not even Nancy he was with her because of peer pressure "I can't be gay" he thought he was slowly starting to realize he was. "I mean that guy just totally flirted with me what was his name Edward?"


Billy was slouching in his chair feeling bored he was looking at Steve who looked like he just saw a ghost. He looks adorable when he has that confused face "what the fuck is wrong with me" Billy thought as his eyes traveled to another coworker. "Hm" he thought.

Later in the day:

Steve started to get ready to leave since everyone else was gone it was just him and Billy, he didn't know where Billy was but knew he wasn't gone because his car was still there he was going to the changing room as he slightly pushed the door open he heard noises...grunting noises?

(Authors note)
This was a long chapter but I enjoyed writing it lmk ur thoughts or I sue💀

1397 words

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