26 - James | Questionable baked goods

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'Okay so this is technically a cookie recipe,' Andrew said as he led me to the kitchen, 'But it makes brownies instead and they're the best brownies ever! I found it on some random corner of the internet last year.'

'But, weren't you searching for a cookie recipe that time?'

'Yeah, I had to make cookies for a school bake-sale but after it ended in brownies I had to bring store-bought cookies instead,' Andrew rambled, 'It was a really good mistake though, these brownies are great.'

I looked at him doubtfully as he started pulling out the ingredients and all kinds of mixing bowls and measuring cups.

'What's weird about this recipe,' Andrew continued, 'is that it claims to yield 24-48 cookies. And isn't that a really big difference? I didn't even manage to make ten big clumps, and it all congealed into a brownie anyway once I put it in the oven.'

'That's what's weird about it?' I questioned, growing ever more worried by his baking skills. 'Not the fact that it turned into a completely different dessert?'

'It's not that different, James.' He turned to glare at me playfully. 'It's just a matter of consistency. Anyway, you know how on recipe sites there's this really long story before you get to see the actual recipe? Well this is sort of like that.'

'How do you mean?'

'Here.' Andrew shoved a scrawled out recipe into my hands.
1⅞ cups butter (2 sticks
and 2 tablespoons as
shown on wrapping)
2 cups sugar
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups flour
¾ cup cocoa
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups chocolate chips

Cream together the butter, sugar, then
add the eggs and vanilla.
Blend in the cocoa and add baking
soda, salt and blend well.
Add the flour into the creamed mixture
and fold in the chocolate chips.
Bake at 350° for 8-9 minutes.

'I'm just going to infuse the weed into the butter, but this recipe makes really good normal brownies too,' Andrew added as he soaked it in. It made the butter smell like tea.

I just sighed in reply, not bothering to suggest we actually just make normal brownies. To be rather frank, I didn't have much faith that Andrew will be successful in his endeavors. In fact, I'd be shocked if he didn't actually end up burning the house down. Luckily, I have some demonic control over fire.

Andrew measured out the sugar rather carelessly and then dumped it and the infused butter into a big bowl that he stuck under the electric mixer.


Before I could finish he pushed the button for the highest setting and the yellow mixture splattered all over us.

'It's okay, I'll give you an extra T-shirt once we're done,' he assured me. It wasn't really all that calming.

Andrew allowed the mixture to keep beating at the same setting till the contents eventually lessened and then he turned it off. 'The mixture is actually a really great dip at this stage if it's just the normal butter and sugar, you can dip some bread in it— it's a great mid-baking snack. You can't have too much though since we need some for the brownie, but if you're already planning to use it as a dip then you can just measure out a little extra of the stuff.'

'That's very chaotic,' I replied faintly.

'Not really, you have to measure extra anyway since some of it splatters out,' he explained.

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