23 - Marie | I fell flat on my face

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I groaned as I lay invisible on Andrew's bed. I was sprawled on the mattress, my limbs stretched out to all corners. I rubbed at my aching belly, peeking down at the full bulge. All those donuts really hadn't agreed with me.

Andrew was sitting at the edge of the bed, reading and re-reading a sheet of paper. It looked to be a school letterhead and I suspected it was what coach had given him, although he'd insisted that she hadn't said anything of note.

I couldn't even move to read over his shoulder, regardless of how curious I was. I was basically incapacitated. I sighed and conciliated myself with just lying there.

Andrew's knee was jittering as he read through the sheet once again, his teeth digging anxiously into his bottom lip. I was dying to know what was causing his reaction. It was torturous.

Andrew crossed his ankle over the the knee closest to me. His fast jittering knee made his foot jitter in turn and his shoelaces bounced tantalizingly. It was too much to bear.

I groaned again as I stretched my arm, trying to extend it without moving my torso. The lace dangled mere inches away; so close but yet so far. I braced myself and leaned towards it. Almost there. Andrew shifted as well, ever so slightly, leaning forward until his foot narrowly escaped my clutches.

Breathing out in frustration, I reached for it again. Andrew stood up abruptly and I lunged for his laces in haste. My body toppled forward for the sheer force of it.  I grabbed at the sheets in vain, trying to hold on for dear life. Limbs flailing, I plummeted head first to the ground, falling flat on my face.

'Oww ooh,' I groaned, laying helpless on the floor. To add salt to the wound Andrew stepped right on my shoulder, walking over me to toss the letter in the bin.

Andrew sighed and left the room as I slowly and painfully crawled to the bin. I snatched the paper, clawing my way back on to the bed.

Settling myself comfortably on the mattress with legs and arms spread like a star, I smoothed out the crumpled letter. My eyes widened as I scanned the page and realized Andrew has been picked to represent the school in All-state. The letter was the permission slip that I'm sure his parents would gladly sign. How could he just toss it into the bin?

I flopped onto my stomach and pondered this dilemma. Andrew is missing this opportunity because he's too shy to be the center of attention, but it was up to me to bring him out of his shell. I'm sure he's nervous as well; he's worried he'll mess it up and embarrass himself in front of everybody—as if I would ever allow that! What Andrew doesn't know is that he has a secret weapon on his side. Me!!!

I floated downstairs, letter tightly grasped. Andrew was in the kitchen with his mom, mrs. Andrews. I think it's funny that his name is Andrew Andrews. I told James it was funny; he just said he couldn't see what's so funny about it, and that it was actually very convenient to remember. James sucks.

'How was school, sweetie?' mrs. Andrews was asking, 'How was football practice? What happened?'

'It was okay,' he replied, looking down a little, 'Nothing happened.'

Gasp. A LIE! How dare he lie? My human? I simply could not allow it. I quickly slipped the letter under his foot and then tickled it.

Andrew abruptly jolted his leg and his mom glanced down and saw the letter. Aha! My plan worked! She reached down and picked it up with the utmost interest. Andrew stared at her, his eyes wide.

'Oh how MARVELOUS!' she squealed as she quickly scanned its contents. 'Were you trying to surprise me?' She playfully smacked him on the arm, beaming with pride.

'No I- I, uh,' he faltered.

'I shall sign it at once,' she declared, fishing a pen out of her bag and signing it with a flourish, 'Dad and I can't wait to come watch you!'

Andrew stared with trepidation at the letter as it was handed back to him.

Don't worry Andrew, I thought to myself, I'll make sure you do perfectly.

A/n: this last thought of hers is so ominous LOL

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