14 - Marie | The Woodland Elf

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I spied Georgie sitting alone at one of the large, wooden tables. She had about a hundred files spread all around her and she was poring over them avidly, her long, scarlet hair falling over it in smooth waves.

It created a curtain around her and her work, and she didn't see me as I came to stand behind her. She flipped through the pages with such focus, her tiny nose scrunched up in concentration as she stored away all the necessary information in her mind. She flipped so fast that it created a slight breeze. Her hair blew towards me, smelling like crushed raspberries.

It always smelled like raspberries; it was a comforting smell. I leaned towards her unconsciously as I breathed it in, letting my eyelids fall shut for half a second.

When I opened them all I could see was green. An emerald green forest full of hidden depths, its golden flecks shining brightly like the sun. It was full of life, like how forests usually are, sparkling like the wings of the fairies that live there, and twinkling like the stars above them.

She was like a woodland creature herself, with those bright green eyes and scarlet hair. Her mouth was too wide for her heart-shaped face, and her lips too thin to be anything of note—but I thought they were beautifully shaped. Her nose was upturned in a pointed snub, complementing her pointy chin and the pointed ears that protruded from the confines of her scarlet hair.

Her ears were an odd sight to behold. One was pointier and placed slightly higher, the other was double-jointed and stuck out further horizontally. A perfectly, beautifully odd sight. I yanked on the larger ear and she spun around to face me in surprise.

'You're the one always ruining the shape of my ears,' she accused as soon as she saw it was me.

I grinned and shrugged, suddenly too breath-taken to think of a proper comeback. I've spent every day with her before I left, but now it felt odd to see her again after my time on earth. It hadn't yet been even a week but it felt to me like decades. I hadn't wanted to see her after what happened at graduation. I'd left immediately after.

'I was... worried about you,' she mumbled. We both knew what she was referring to.

'I'm alright now,' I assured, plopping down on the chair beside her with one foot on the seat and the other leg draping over the chair back.

'Really, I'm glad. It's an easy job and you know I couldn't handle anything more,' I insisted as she frowned in disagreement.

'That's not true-'

'You're the only one who believes that,' I interrupted.

'Well, I still do. Even if you don't believe it yourself.'

She sighed and rubbed a tired hand over her face. She hated the freckles that scattered across her cheeks but I stare at them till I can draw pictures with my mind. It's like a dot-to-dot with different pictures every time; I trace hearts and stars in my mind. On more innovative days, I trace dancing dragonflies and intertwining hands.

I dragged by gaze away and stared up instead at the twin frames that hung on the wall behind us. Identical angels stared back at me, challenging me with their fierce stares. Georgie followed my gaze to glance up at the legendary twin angels whose portraits graced the wall.

'I'd love to meet them some day,' she sighed, 'They're assigned to over a thousand humans each, at any given moment- I don't think they've even set foot in heaven since they graduated.'

'You might run into them in the human realm,' I suggested, 'You visit a lot of places too.'

The powerful twins, Gabriel and Darius, were like celebrities in the angel world. Angels are born from an act of great love and sacrifice, but twin angels are born when two humans perform a selfless act simultaneously, within the same instance and same situation. It was extremely rare.

Everyone in heaven knew the story about the twins' parents. They were best friends; a boy and a girl, still in middle school. There was a catastrophic landslide one day, which buried their entire town. They were in the park with the girl's little sister when it happened, and they both died trying to save her. Twin angels were born in heaven, the same day that they died.

They're still best friends, and they live next door to each other with both their families; just like they did back on earth. They've met the twins of course, but the twins grew up in the angel's boarding school and attended their classes just like the rest of us. They were much more powerful than anyone else because of the joint sacrifice that created them. They've helped many human souls since they graduated, protecting them from all harm and evil.

I wonder what my parent did to create me. I have only one of course, and they're still alive; but I'm excited to meet them someday. I bet they'll be pleased when they find out that they did something so beautiful that it literally created an angel.

Georgie's cool touch pulled me out of my musings. I looked down to see her small fingers spread over my knee and I absently covered her hand with my own. She had freakishly small hands although she was roughly the same height as me. I suppose hands don't directly relate to height, but her feet are weirdly small too. Her other fingers weren't that much shorter but her pinky finger was like a little stub; about half the length of mine. I wrapped two of my fingers around it and it disappeared completely.

A slight flush spread prettily across her cheeks as she stared down at our entangled hands. For a moment I just stare at her beautiful face, and allow myself to be lost in daydreams and fantasies. She was an elf in the forest, and I, her warrior princess. We lived in a cave, hidden behind a waterfall, and if a weary traveler stumbled upon it we gave them a place to rest. We had a pet dragon and we named him Sparky. Her eyes finally met mine and I could only think of one thing to say.

'So, uh... can you do my homework for me now?'

A/n: I made a cute thing of Marie!! ❤️

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A/n: I made a cute thing of Marie!! ❤️

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