6 - Finny | If I piss off Ro for long enough would he start breathing fire?

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"Andrew! You HAVE to join a sports team!" I declare, slamming my hands down on the table.

I did do some research, contrary to what that judgy ol' demon might think. Yeah, I saw him silently criticizing me for not knowing the human's weather preference. How am I even supposed to know that??!

He must've spent hours sifting through all of Andrew's personal files. I did have access to them, but I figured I should just get to know him—like a normal human being. Like, how creepy is it to read someone's entire life story, just to figure out the best way to manipulate them?

That's obviously the only reason the demon is here. I'm shocked that heaven didn't warn me. Actually, I'm sure they didn't know because they would never have sent me alone if they did. I'm sure I can take him though, and then Headmistress would be impressed! I don't why the entire angel council looks down on me. They would never admit it, but I can sense their vibes.

Anyway, I vaguely remember learning something during my 'human activities' class which suggested that sport activities lead to teamwork and camaraderie, helping to create strong friendships and unbreakable bonds.

Andrew definitely needs some human friends, especially now that this demon is trying to get close to him and corrupt his soul. I felt really bad for Ro earlier because he was looked awkward hanging around and no one was talking to him. So I invited him to sit with us, but now he's totally trying to sabotage me!

I may not have thought to bring a hoodie but my jaw still aches from all the breathing I did. So I feel like it's the thought that counts. And it's way harder than simply waltzing into a shop and grabbing the first garment you see. It didn't even fit him properly.

Andrew pulls at his lengthy sleeves and looks at me questioningly.

"It's the perfect thing to do," I say, getting back to the topic. "Don't you like any sports?"

"I suppose I quite like football...."

"That's perfect!" I yell. "We should join the team together!" I look around the table, pleased with my idea.

"But I'm really bad at it—"

I wave him off. He doesn't need to worry about that.

"You must join with us too," I grandly inform Rosier, because I am now in a benevolent mood.

He shrugs, looking disinterested, but I see him closely watching Andrew to see his reaction. Andrew looks worried.

"It's going to go really well," I tell him, placing my fingertips together under my chin. "I'm going to make sure of it."

He looks concerned, and Ro does too, but I can't help the smile that spreads over my face.

There's still enough time left before the next class so I drag them both to Coach's office to plead and beg for her to let us try-out.

"Oh Coach, we have the misfortune of being the new kids. 'Twas not our fault for missing try-outs at the beginning of term. We're just three poor kids, begging for a chance—"

"Alright, alright." She let out a long-suffering sigh, my pleadings having worn her down. "Go on to the field and we'll see how well you can kick a ball."

She leads the way and I gleefully skip behind her with the two boys in tow.

I go first and I kick the ball with the mighty force of heaven. I cannot aim at all, but I use my powers to get it into the goal. Coach looks impressed, her brows raising in surprise.

Andrew goes next and it turns out he really is terrible at football. Like he's awful at it. I thought he was just being humble.

He kicks the ball in such a way that it hits his heel and starts rolling backwards. I pretend to slip on some mud and fall on top of Coach's feet, distracting her enough for me to send the ball rolling forward again. I make sure it slams hard into the goal. Andrew looks even more surprised than Coach does.

As Coach looks up at the sway of the net, I take the opportunity to untie her shoelaces. I thought the whole incident at Graduation would've cured me of my longings, but apparently not.

It's Ro's turn then, and he kicks the ball rather halfheartedly. It looks to be on track but I give it an extra bit of power anyway, to ensure he gets on the team. I suppose I'm just generous like that.

"Alright, you can all join the team," Coach finally says. I don't think Rosier even used his demon powers of persuasion. I give Andrew a pleased smile as I had just been the most helpful angel ever.

"I'll give you your uniforms at practice tomorrow," Coach says as she leaves the field. "Better get on to class now."

"She's right, we should get to class. It's about to start," Andrew says reproachfully as I start playing with the ball.

"There's time," I reply breezily. "Heads up!"

I throw the ball at Ro's head and he doesn't even try to block it. Oh well, I guess he has poor reflexes. The ball bonks him and drops unceremoniously to the ground. He glares at me. I bet he's trying to look scary, but I ain't scared of any ol' demon.

"Oops!" I smirk at him, trying to look apologetic and completely failing.

He picks up the ball before I can snatch it back and holds it firmly to himself.

"Give me the ball."


Ro glowers while Andrew reminds us again that we're going to be late for class.

"But we should practice. You clearly need to practice, Rosie boy. You can't even catch something coming straight at your head."

I can see the aura of his horns practically glowing in rage. His breath is so smoky he almost looks like he's breathing fire. I've always wanted to see a demon breathing fire. Like an awesome dragon.

I go to grab the ball again but he turns on his heel and stalks away, Andrew trailing behind him.

"Y'all are no fun," I complain, dragging my feet as I follow them. "How can you be so eager to get to class to learn accounts, it's like the most boring-est subject ever."

"That's a made-up word," Ro points out. Very boring-ly.

"All words are made up."

I stick my tongue out as him, pleased to see the shadow of doubt cross over his features. Oh Goody. It's about time he realizes I'm right about everything ever.

Rosier returns the ball and then leads us to the class where we're all promptly yelled at for tardiness and given a detention. I'm pretty excited for my first ever detention. They didn't have those in heaven, though I'm sure Headmistress always wanted to give me one. I'm not exactly sure what detention consists of but I think we get to stay after school and do fun stuff. It's like a rite of passage for all high school kids, so I'm excited to partake in their human rituals.

We're sent to a few empty seats at the back. Ro tries to sit beside Andrew but I quickly shove him aside and sit between them. I'm not about to let the demon whisper evil thoughts in my human's ear all through the lesson.

A/N: I guess this is technically called soccer here but imma just say football xD
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