5 - Ro | The angel is yapping non-stop beside me

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The angel is here.

I almost let myself believe that Azazel was mistaken when she didn't show up yesterday. I cannot imagine why heaven would get late to send her.

She is annoyingly chipper. She became best friends with Andrew the moment they met. Her locker is just to the right of his, and I feel it is rather ironic—how he has an angel and demon on either side. Though we cannot shrink ourselves and sit on his shoulders.

I absolutely failed at befriending the human yesterday. I don't have any practice at friendship because such things are strictly prohibited in hell. Even having acquaintances is looked down upon, so I find it difficult to have a normal human-like conversation. I think my silent staring made him uncomfortable.

My musings are cut short by the angel waving her hand in a huge circle in front of my face and yelling, "Hey!"

"Hello," I say stiffly. We are both at the lockers, waiting for Andrew's arrival.

"I know you're a demon," she says straight out, identifying the elephant in the room. "I can sense your aura."

"Of course. You're Seraphina."

"Ew, don't call me that! You can call me Finn. Finny. The Finnster extrodinaire." She does some erratic arm movements. "I quite like that last one."

"The purpose of a nickname is to be shorter than the original and therefore be easier to say."

She pulls a face. "What's your name, anyway? No one told me a demon is going to be assigned solely to Andrew. I don't think they know, or they would've sent backup." Finny chews on her lip thoughtfully. "Though I'm glad they didn't. I just want to prove myself, you know? That I can do this alone. Wait, what's your name again?"


"I will call you Rosie."

"Please don't."

"But it's shorter and easy to say—as a nickname should be."

It didn't take her very long at all to throw that back in my face.

"Or you could call him Ro?"

I turn to see Andrew walking up to us. He looks a little sleepy, long, black hair falling in a curly mess over half-shut eyes. But he still looks much better than he did yesterday, his pouty lips turned up into a soft smile. I'm sure that's due in most part to Finny befriending him.

"Andrewww, my comrade!" Finny throws an arm over his shoulder, patting him on the back hard enough to make him wince. "We were waiting for you."

I want to protest that I wasn't 'waiting for him' but well, I suppose I was.

"Come have lunch with us." Finny smiles widely, including me too.

I imagined it would be impossible for me to befriend the human with her here. Why would she make it so easy for me to be part of the group? Are angels really so nice that they would help out us demons as well? It seems rather silly, and a huge waste of time to try. I shrug and tag along behind them anyway, because I can't afford to turn down the opportunity.

When we get to the cafeteria, she grabs my hand as well as Andrew's and steers us both to an empty table. To my dismay, Andrew sits down really quickly before I can pull out his chair. I sit opposite him while the angel sits on his right-hand side.

He turned rather red when I helped him into his seat yesterday. I'm not so sure why he was so embarrassed. It was just a polite thing to do. I know demons aren't supposed to be polite, but it is acceptable to act nice to the humans you're supposed to befriend. At least, until they trust you enough to be led down the path of greed and corruption.

"What's your favourite colour?" Finny asks as soon as we're seated. She seems incapable of having a single moment of silence.

Andrew smiles slightly and replies yellow. Could he have possibly picked a cuter colour? The angel turns to me then and repeats it. She must be unaware of the fact that demons can't feel a liking towards anything, and therefore cannot have a favourite.

"I don't have a favourite anything."

"I don't have a favourite colour either because all the colours are awesome!" she says brightly. "I like the entire rainbow!" She then asks, "Favourite animal?"

"I like cats!" Andrew beams. I thought he'd say bunny because he was wriggling his nose just like one.

I'm starting to notice that every time Andrew looks away, the angel takes the opportunity to blow a breath of cold air at him. She's using her powers to make it as cold as possible, and the human has started to shiver slightly. He keeps sniffing and blinking his long lashes, rubbing at his face with a small, balled-up fist and scrunching up his nose like he's trying not to sneeze. I did my background research very thoroughly so I know he's not accustomed to the cooler climate.

I unzip my backpack and silently hand him a hoodie. I had to process a lot of paperwork yesterday at the demon halfway house to request the funds to purchase one at the store. We don't usually condone acts of kindness, for obvious reasons, but it's acceptable to use any means necessary to get your assigned human to befriend you.

Andrews eyes widen at the gesture, his lips parting in a shocked murmur of thanks. He looked wide-eyed and innocent in the picture I saw, but it's even more so in person. The picture didn't show how he always bites his lip when he's nervous and the way his face gets flushed at the slightest thing.

Finny turns and glares at me as if I'm trying to boil him alive and bake him in the heat of my evil hoodie.

"Aren't you feeling warm, Andrew?" she demands.

"No, I actually keep feeling cold shivers every now and then. I don't know why."

I roll my eyes, knowing full well where the shivers were coming from, and the angel looks a little perturbed at this news. I wonder for the first time whether perhaps she hadn't carried out her research as well-planned as I had.

I can't help staring at the way Andrew drowns in my hoodie. Or rather, his hoodie, since I had only bought it for him to wear. I had miscalculated the size, and the sleeves go past his hands. He uses the excess fabric to bury his face in, sitting with his elbows on the table and hands clasped together, breathing into the thick material to warm his face.

He glances up at me then, lighting up in a sudden smile that makes his dark eyes sparkle with flecks of light. Like a midnight sky. He stares at me with starry eyes, completely ignoring the angel yapping non-stop beside him.

I guess I have to fill out another long form requesting a kitten.


A/n: I made a thing of James in his human form, he looks pissed off xP

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A/n: I made a thing of James in his human form, he looks pissed off xP

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