Chapter 50- Yamíl

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I love you- Mercy

     Osas battles with the remainder of the French fries on her table and I laugh inwardly, her appetite is a cause for concern. I'm partly to blame though, she lost most of it when I told her about my mum being my aunt.

     Faith hands her a plastic cup where she pours the rest of the Fanta inside. I'd texted her immediately I spotted Osas from my room upstairs. We were arranging things for her party, and her sudden appearance could've shattered it all. I wasn't sure Travis and Jibril would be able to handle her quick mind so I resorted to calling for the big guns.

    We're sitting outside Travis's kitchen, watching the sun go down. Tiwa and Jibril are racing each other inside the pool. It feels like a sorority party, except we're a bit too deflated.

"What are you gonna do now?" Osas asks after the news settles in her.

"I'm not going to do anything. My relationship with my mum is strange now but it's not because of Aunt Diane. It's because she refuses to let go. I can't handle seeing so much spite in her," I shake my head at the memory of her expression yesterday.

"And your aunt? Have you spoken to her since?"


"You should," she says simply.

"Leave him o! I told him the same," Faith pipes up suddenly. I stick my tongue out to her.

"I don't know what to say to her," I admit.

"She's your favourite aunt for a reason. I'm pretty sure you'll find the right words," Osas assures me. I look at the girl who's advising me and shift on my seat to face her.

"Osas what happened with your dad?"

"He's not my dad," she bristles. Her whole demeanor changes at the mention of the man.

"What did he do?"

"Abi what didn't he do? See I don't want to talk about him. Or anyone else from the family please," she looks away from me. Faith silently places a hand over hers and holds it tightly. I stay put, watching her frown until I tire out and refocus on the dying sun.


"Yamíl, did you see Aunty today?" Mercy asks me the moment I step back into the house.

"No, why?" I frown.

"She's traveling. I thought you'd want to see her but she told me not to tell you."

"She's traveling? To where?"

"Back to Italy, and she might stay there."

Shit. Shit.

"Mum? Where is she?"

"In her room." I move past Mercy and practically jump my way to her room. When I open it I find her staring at a picture in her hands.

"Mum-" my voice fades when I realize that she's sobbing. Quiet and almost non-existent tears. "What's wrong?" I kneel next to her, taking her hand in mine.

"Yamíl," she sobs. "I blamed her for my sister's death."

"Your sister?" I repeat. What other secret is this?

"I had a twin sister b-but she died when we were in primary 5," mummy reveals.

"Jesus," I whisper, feeling the life slip away from me.

"It was raining that day and we were waiting for our parents. Diane, always doing more than she can handle, she ran into the road and she was dancing," mum chuckles. Typical Aunt Diane. "She didn't see the Jeep coming but Cassandra did, my twin. She ran into the road to save her but she got hit in the process." Another wave of tears, louder and more profound take over. I lean in and wrap my arms around her, silently waiting for her to calm down.

"But I thought, I thought about everything you said have a point," she releases herself from me and wipes her tears. "I have to forgive her. She's remorseful. She's suffered enough."

"She's leaving."

"She's what!?" Mummy blinks.

"She's going to Italy."


"I don't know, Mercy just told me. We have to stop her mummy."

"Grab my phone and call her. Pass me my keys." I do as she says. She pushes herself up and out of the room.

"Mercy! Grab your phone, we're going out for a drive!"


Mummy has always been a reckless driver. She flies whenever she's on the wheel, I make it a point to always have my seatbelt on whenever she's driving. Tonight however, I'm too anxious to care. My aunt was leaving, running away. Her house was locked when we got there, leaving mum with no other option than the airport.

"Is she answering her phone?" Mummy asks. We're entering the airport now, like I said...she flies.

"Her phone is switched off," I reply. Mummy stays silent until she finds a nice place to park. The airport isn't any less jam-packed at night.

"Mercy hold my hand tightly okay? If you see your aunt you shout on top of your lungs," she tells Mercy as we get down from the car. Once she's sure she's locked it we all race into the building.

"Flight 1189 to England leaves in 30 minutes." The voice from the speaker announces. I stick my head up and jog my way through the crowd aimlessly, searching for anyone that could be Aunt Diane.

She can't leave. She can't leave.

Mum's phone vibrates in my hands, causing me to jolt from shock. I look at it and alas, aunt Diane's calling.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"I'm leaving, I'm about to enter the plane. I thought I should tell you. I'm sorry-"

"Mummy don't go," I blurt. The line goes dead for a moment.

"Yamíl?" I have to strain my voice to hear her.

"Where are you? We're here, we're all here."

"I... I'm right behind you."

I turn around slowly, holding the phone closely to my ear and there she stands. She's cloaked herself with her favorite travel coat, great for the Italian weather, she used to say. There are so many things she does, so many habits that make her special. Like a light source from which I draw energy.

"Yamíl," she breathes. I don't have the strength to say anything else, I just close the gap between us and wrap my arms around her tightly.

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