Chapter 13- Faith

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I am– Faith

       "I want to run for President of the Student Council," I announce as I step into Amaka's room. Dad and mum took a break and went to have dinner outside, I don't know where Chidinma and Somto went to.

"Really?" She looks up at me. She's perched comfortably on her bed by the window, a big novel on her laps. She removes the headphones she was wearing for my sake and sits up.

"Yes, I think there's a lot of things the council can do for the students but they do not."

"So how can I help?"

"I need you to help me write my manifesto. I mean, we'll do it together. They just announced that the posts are open and the election is on Friday. But we're going to give our manifestos on Wednesday," I explain. Ever the resourceful sister, she brings out a long sheet of paper from her shelf and a pen.

"So where do we start?"


  At lunch that day Ara and Yamíl don't show up on time. So it's only Travis, Jibril and Osas that get to hear my announcement.

"I'm running for President," I tell them. Jibril's face goes positively brighter.

"That's awesome, I'm running for Mediator," he says. This makes Osas raise a brow.

"Really? I would've bet you'd go for President too," she tells him.

"Oh believe me when I say I've got enough of that on my hands," he says sarcastically.

"So who's gonna handle your campaign?" Travis asks. It's a good question, I didn't think of that.

"Are you kidding me?" He gives me a look when I don't reply. "The campaign is the heart of the election and you've got only 4 days to do that. It's settled, I'll be your manager. But I'll need assistance," he looks to Osas for help. She considers me.

"I'd love to help but I'd also like to know why you're running for President. Is it just for the name?" She inquires.

"It's for anything than the name. It wasn't actually one of my plans for this year but when I thought about it, it just made sense," I pause to lean closer. "Don't tell but I've seen some major loops in the system, like how students don't get to pick their Prefects, or how they have little or no knowledge about the major things happening in the school."

"So you want to change that," Osas's tone is as sarcastic as ever.

"I want to try," I amend.

"Will you help?" Travis asks her, placing his palm on the table. After a moment Osas places hers over it.

"Sure, in fact why don't we just Campaign for both Jibril and Faith? They're the only two campaigning amongst us right?"

"That's a great idea, thanks," Jibril beams at her.

"It's settled then, I'll meet you after school to talk about it," Travis tells her, already grabbing his books to go.

"See you."


  Osas and I stare at the Notice board with equally pale faces.

"Ara's running for President? Did you know?" I turn to her for an answer.

"I didn't, if I did I wouldn't have agreed to help you campaign because God knows what an earful I'd get," she replies quickly. After staring at the names a little longer we decide it won't help to change anything and head to our original destination, the chemistry lab.

It's empty except for Miss Edith who's fast asleep on her table. Osas drops her bag slowly on the desk and brings out her laptop. Our first project is to create a Power Point Presentation about Sulfur as an element. Thankfully, Osas has already done half of the work.

"I really wish Ara wasn't running for President, no offense but she gets very emotional easily. Too extra," I confess as I make my way to sit next to her.

"I understand, but whether or not Ara is running should not affect your morale. Your competition does not define you," she bluntly brushes me off.

"I know that."

"Do you believe you are capable?" She pauses to look at me.

"I am," I say a little too hard but she doesn't take offense.

"Then act like it."

Wow, some tough love.

"Do you not believe I can fulfill the role of President?"

"Why do you think I don't?"

"Because you're rather skeptical about this whole thing."

"I'm skeptical about everything involving humans and promises. Don't take it the wrong way, I've just had experiences that have taught me to trust only myself."

"Some humans are worth trusting."

"Hmm." I can tell she doesn't agree.

"I wonder though, how you keep up with Ara. I mean, she's very different from you and I'm not trying to encourage you to leave her but–"

"For the record, Ara didn't steal Alex from you," she interrupts me coolly.

"What? I wasn't even thinking about that," I stammer.

"But it's the biggest thing you have against her right? She's with your crush."

Was this how Travis felt when I confronted him about London?

"She and Alex have had a 'thing' for a long time, before you even entered the picture so if you want to hold a grudge against her scratch that out of it."

"I will," I say because I literally can't think of anything else to say.

"Also, girl to girl, I don't think he's worth it."

"Who? Alex?"

"Yes, I think he's a good guy but he could be better. I don't know what he's gaining stringing her along but you don't have to join the party okay?" The way she holds my gaze softly motivates me to nod. I've never really thought about it but I guess we were friends now. Friends who looked out for each other.


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