Chapter 15- Osas

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Are you a healer?– Winnie

I spot Ara outside the toilet before she spots me. As I make my way towards her I remind myself of all the reasons why I kept talking to her for all these years. Why I kept calling her my best friend, all the reasons she is the way she is.

Correction, I try to remind myself but the only thing that keeps coming to mind is the fact that we've been friends since forever. Why break it now? Why hurt her feelings for something so petty?

Just as I am about to place my hand on her shoulder she turns around and her face steels when she sees me.

"Oh you're here to shout at me again," she snaps.

"You did most of the shouting actually," I blurt out before I can bite my tongue. She starts to walk away but I drag her back. "Sorry, I'm sorry. I get your issue with this whole election but you need to understand that you had no right to demand answers from Yamíl and Travis."

"I know, that was very childish. I wasn't thinking straight."

"You weren't thinking at all, I hope that's not how you've been going around asking people?"

"No, of course not. I's not even necessary. I know Faith has won," she looks down in defeat.

"Ara, what's your motive?" I ask, raising her head to face me.


"Are you doing all of this just to beat Faith?"

"No, I'm not that low. I genuinely wanted to do this. To start a newsroom for our school like the one in Legacy. And to make policies like more hair choices, and to rally the voices of the students but no one believes me. Nobody believes I can do anything."

"That's not true, I believe you. And that's why your posters are everywhere and that's why I'm still going to vote for you," I place both my hands on her shoulders and put in as much emotion as my voice allows.

"Are you serious?"

"You're my best friend, you had my vote from the start."

"Thank you," she beams and pulls me into a hug. I feel myself smile in relief.

"Come on, we still have one more period until freedom." I grab her hand and pull her towards our classroom.


    As I stand at the car park and wait for Samuel and Tiwa I try not to think too much about my home. I focus on the videos on TikTok, enjoying the free WiFi that SOHL gives us. I'm just getting bored of it when I see Faith making her way to me.

"Hey, are you waiting for your mum too?" I ask when she's in earshot. I've never seen Faith's parent, she's always taken the bus since I've known her.

"Ah, I wish. The bus is waiting for me now sef, I just wanted to invite you to watch a movie with me, at the cinema," she adds for clarity. The offer immediately shoots me back into the TD lab with Yamíl.

"When?" I ask, hoping I don't regret this.

"Tomorrow after school."

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