Chapter 35

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It's been a week since I left Hunter's apartment after I told him I love him, after he told me he didn't love me. I've mainly been keeping to myself. I only leave my apartment to go for runs and to get food if I need it. Otherwise I stay in my apartment.

Sam's coming back today. I haven't told her about what happened with Hunter because I knew if I did she would have come back that same day and I didn't want to do that to her. I'd tell her today. I clean the apartment even though it's basically spotless just to keep busy until she gets here.

"Have you missed me?!" she shouts as she bounces into the apartment. "You don't have to answer that I know you did" she says jokingly as she carries her luggage to her room. I expect to see her parents but I guess they decided not to come up. I'm thankful.

I'm sitting in my room now on my bed hugging my pillow. The box of memories I have of Jason is next to me. I decided that along with telling her about everything that happened with Hunter I would also tell her everything that happened that night with Jason. I never told Sam about the proposal. I never told anyone before I told Hunter. I was done hiding.

"Hey" Sam says happily as she comes into my room but when she takes in my expression she stops. "What's wrong?" she asks concerned.

"Sit" I tell her as I pat a spot on the bed. "I have a lot I need to tell you."

I go on and tell her about what happened with Hunter. I tell her how I told him everything and how he left in the middle of the night. I tell her how I decided to be strong and fight for him. I tell her how I went to his apartment and how I told him I love him and how he told me he didn't love me. I tell her everything. I don't leave out a single detail.

"Oh my gosh Grey" she says quietly and disbelievingly."I'm so sorry. You should have called me."

"It's okay" I tell her. "I wanted to be alone anyway. I'm alright. I've survived worse."

"I'm going to kill him" she snarls. "I told him if he hurt you I'd kill him. I bet he already knows I'm coming."

"I love you for that Sam" I tell her as I place my hand on hers. "But don't do that. Just leave him be."

"This is just so strange" she says like she still can't believe it happened. "I mean I thought for sure that that boy was head over heels for you. I could see it when he looked at you. He was crazy about you. It doesn't make sense."

"I know" I tell her simply. "I didn't want to believe it either, but he made his choice."

"We'll get through this" she tells me and I can tell this is killing her. She hates seeing me hurt.

"I know" I agree even though right now it doesn't feel like I will. "Sam?" I say to her and she looks at me.

"Yea" she says to me.

"There's something else I need to tell you. Truth is I should have told you a long time ago" I say cautiously. I'm not sure how she is going to react to this news. I'm worried she'll cry or that she'll be hurt that I've been keeping this from her.

"You can tell me anything" she says encouragingly. "You know that Grey."

"The night Jason died" I start off not really sure how to go about this. "Before the accident, when Jason and I were at the restaurant celebrating my birthday he . . ." I trail off nervously and I can tell Sam is nervous too. She has no idea where this is going. I reach for the box sitting next to me and I open it. I stick my hand in and I immediately find the tiny black jewelry box containing the ring I was meant to wear on my finger forever. "He gave me this" I say as I hand the box to her and she opens it. I hear her gasp when she does and she looks at me wide eyed tears already forming. "He asked me to marry him and I said yes" I finally tell her. It feels good to say it out loud again. It feels good to finally tell her everything that happened that night.

"Oh my god Grey" she whispers shocked. "I'm so sorry" she says as the first tear falls. "It's not fair."

"It's okay" I tell her soothingly.

"No it's not okay" she says angrily. "What happened to the two of you will never be okay. You were supposed to get married and have kids and be happy! And in one night it was ripped away from you."

I'm shocked by her outburst but not by her words. I already know everything she is saying. I know how unfair what happened to Jason and me is. I just never knew how strongly Sam felt about it.

"I'm so sorry" she says again through her tears. "You have no idea how much I wish I could change things for you. For both of you."

"Thank you" I say as I reach forward and grab her hand. I can feel tears forming in my eyes now too and I know that wherever Jason is he is probably crying too. 

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