Chapter 7

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Hunter and I are walking down the street and for once I feel like a regular girl but then all of a sudden it begins to pour and I'm pulled back in time again. I'm back in that photo that I have in the box underneath my bed. Jason and I had just been coming home from a walk when it began to down pour and I was about to run back to his house when he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him and before I knew it his lips were crashing into mine. I melted into him and kissed him back passionately clinging to him as if I was holding on for dear life. He eventually pulled back from the kiss and rested his forehead against mine.

"What was that for?" I asked breathlessly.

"Because I love you" he says and I smile because he is breathless too. "And because we need to take advantage of moments like this. Life is fleeting and I never want to look back one day and regret that time I didn't kiss my girlfriend in the rain because I didn't want to get wet."

I both loved and hated when he talked like that. I loved it because it was sweet and romantic but I hated it because it scared me. It was like even then he knew he was going to die young.

"God I love you so damn much Grey" he said as his hands cupped my face. "Always remember that."

"I love you too" I whispered to him.

I feel someone's hand on my shoulder then and I'm pulled back into the present and I find myself looking into Hunter's eyes. I feel a tear escape as I'm reminded that Jason's gone forever and I'm thankful that it is raining so Hunter can't tell I'm crying. Hunter tells me to run and I feel my feet begin to move. As we run I take the time to gather myself and I realize my apartment is only a few blocks away.

"Hunter!" I yell to him over the rain. He stops and looks at me and I think he thinks something is wrong.

"Are you ok?" he asks looking me over.

"Yea" I say shaking my head even though I still feel a little shaken up from the memory I just relived. "My apartment is only a few blocks away. We could go there and wait out the storm" I tell him.

He stares at me for a while before answering and I wonder what he is thinking. "Alright let's go" he says and he allows me to go ahead of him to lead the way.

We reach my apartment eventually and we head upstairs to my apartment. When I reach my door I find that I'm curious about how Hunter knew what apartment was mine the other night.

"Hey Hunter?" I ask as I fiddle with my keys trying to open the door.

"Yea?" he says back.

"How did you know what apartment was mine?" I ask.

"You told me" he says simply. "You were going in and out of consciousness but I was able to find out what floor and what apartment was yours."

"Gotcha" I say as I finally get the door open and he follows me inside. "How did you know what room was mine?" I ask curiously since I did wake up in my own bed and not Sam's.

"That was just pure luck I guess" he says as he releases a small laugh and rubs the back of his neck. His hair is dripping wet and his clothes are clinging to his skin and I can't help but notice the outline of the muscles in his abdomen. "I just picked a room and when I walked in it just felt like it was yours."

I don't know what to say back to him so I decide to change the subject. "Here are some towels" I say handing a towel to him out of the linen closet.

"Thanks" he says gratefully as he takes the towel from me and runs it over his damp hair which if you ask me looks incredibly sexy.

"No problem" I say back. "I'm going to go look for some clothes for you to change into" I say as I leave the room and go into Sam's to rummage through her drawers. I have some of Jason's old clothes in my room but I can't give those to Hunter. It wouldn't be right. I know Sam has kept things from past boyfriends and I'm sure she won't mind. Sure enough I find a pair of guy sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt. I walk back into the living room and hand the clothes to Hunter. "Here you go. You can change in the bathroom."

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