Chapter 12

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Once I calm down at brunch I'm able to engage in some actual conversation. I learn about Daniel and how he is actually going back to school next semester to finish his degree. He is a bit older than us as I suspected, it turns out he is 22 and had to leave school a year and a half ago when his parents refused to continue paying for his schooling. He has been working ever since and saving every penny so that he could go back one day.

As I listen to his story I'm intrigued. I never would have guessed that this was his secret. We all have them but I certainly never would have guessed this was his. I had him pegged as the type of guy who knows he's good looking and has rested on that his entire life. Turns out I was wrong. I can tell Sam likes him and at first I was uneasy about her getting involved with a guy like him, or the guy I thought he was, but now that I know the truth I feel better about her pursuing him.

"What is your degree going to be in?" I ask him since no one else has and he hasn't said what it is.

He gives all a devilish grin and says "I bet none of you can guess".

We each take turns guessing and we each guess wrong. I'm surprised that Hunter doesn't know. They do work together and are friends but maybe they don't know each other as well as I thought.

"Just tell us already" Sam says exasperated. I can tell the suspense is killing her. We guessed all sorts of professions. Everything from a teacher to doctor to some type of business degree but they were all wrong. I find that even I am a little eager to know.

"Psychology" he says smiling at all of our shocked expressions. He's right I never would have guessed that.

"Is that why you became a bartender" I ask and Sam laughs at me but I ignore her and Hunter looks at me curiously.

"It is actually" Daniel answers me clearly surprised. "How did you know?"

"I watch too much television I guess" I say meekly. He seems to accept my answer and I'm grateful. The truth is I don't really know why I guessed that. It just seems like a lot of people who drink have problems and need someone to talk to but would not like to have the stigma of talking to a shrink so instead they talk to their bartender. It sounds silly even in my head.

"What about you Hunter?" Sam asks. "What's your story?"

When she asks him this I can immediately see how uncomfortable he becomes. It's obvious he doesn't like talking about himself but what I want to know is what is he hiding? I have no right to wonder that though because I know that if things were reversed I would never reveal what I am hiding.

"Not much to know" he says being vague. He goes on to say he is from Virginia and only moved here a couple months ago when he decided not to go to college. That's all the information he offers though and before Sam can ask him anything else I decide to rescue him.

"I need to go to the bathroom" I say and I give Sam a look that demands she comes with me. "Excuse us" I say as we get up from the table.

Once we are in the restroom I turn on her. "Lay off him okay?" I ask her gently.

"What do you mean? I'm being perfectly nice" she says a little offended.

I sigh. "You are but I can tell you are about to go into interrogation mode and I'm asking you not to. Okay? Hunter doesn't like to talk about himself."

"How would you know?" she asks reading too much into what I said.

"Because he is a lot like me in that way or at least I think he is. It just seems that way" I say and my voice sounds confused even though I didn't intend for it to.

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