75; Mischievous Child

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2 Years passed since the discovery of the long last prince, Wei Zemin was discovered although with a new identity. The ring and blood test had confirmed his lineage, it wasn't much of a struggle considering he was powerful by himself

And so the empire was left to this person, the new emperor and the marquis Ning had formed some friendship over these 2 years.  So it wasn't unnatural for people to be favourable towards him.

Ning Jie after being caught and pointed out smiled at the emperor, Wei Zihao was now looking at Ning Jie.

"I'm sorry for my third's impudence your imperial majesty" the maquis said a little nervous 

Wei Zihao just kept staring at Ning Jie, he looked into the deep crimson eyes of his majesty that stared intensely on him.

Ning Jie moved left, Wei Zihao moved left, he moved right, Wei Zihao eyes moved right. Ning Jie felt awkward. Did he offend the emperor?.

It'll be his loss because the Emperor is so handsome, the emperor looks back to the marquis Ning and nods, confusing the three people. 

"Um. Your imperial majesty" Ning Jie said, "have I offended you?. If I did I really didn't mean to, I'm a friendly person you see" 

The marquis panicked, why was he talking to the emperor so familiarly? Has he not been warned? Has he not heard the rumor?.


But before the marquis could blink Ning Jie was already under the armpits of the emperor, Marquis Ning had lost his soul.

"Gege! That's his imperial majesty!" Ning Yuan stated in a panic

Ning Jie looked up at the emperor who didn't so much as flinch, he was looking at Ning Jie who was observing him.

"You don't mind, do you, your imperial majesty?" He said smiling mischievously

Wei Zihao looked at him, then proceeded to shake his head, Ning Jie smiled, then released his arm. 

"Just remember your imperial majesty your imperial majesty has given permission" he teased 


The marquis then pulled Jie's ear.

"Ow! ow! father I got permission this is bullying!!" 

"Ha! Do you want our ancestors to turn in their graves, you bold fool-" 

Marquis Ning was taken aback when the emperor gently rested his hand onto his arm.

"No need" 

This is strange. This man wasn't one to talk unless it needed a necessary reply. Why was he suddenly saying something, worse it was defending the mischievous Jie. 

Ning Jie took the opportunity his father was distracted and slipped out and hid behind Wei Zihao.

"You heard his imperial majesty father, no need to bully me hehe" 

Wei Zihao looked over his shoulder, Ning Jie who was looking at his father felt Wei Zihao's gaze and looked up. He look at the emperor then grinned. 

Marquis clenched his fist but breathe he smiled. At the emperor "your imperial majesty, no need to be so lenient on Jie'er. His a mischievous child" he said 

"still child" Wei Zihao said

"Huh?" The marquis was confused 

He turned around to pat Ning Jie's head. "Go play" 

Ning Jie was surprised, there was no expression on his face Ning Jie's heart flutters. He then laughed and run out his palm.

"Well I'd like to play with his imperial majesty Hehe" 

He saw his father glared at him, Jie stuck out his tongue then ran off.

"Ah! Brother wait!" 

Ning Yuan too chases after him, Wei Zihao gaze traces Ning Jie as he ran freely through the winds.


A man walks in the secluded area where someone was sitting in a pond, dripping from the roof where droplets of water. 

"Master Xie I've returned" that man said,

Master Xie gently fluttered his eyes open then stood, "how is it going?" 

"I've already gotten 50 early cultivators in a short period of time your bath will be prepared" the man said bowing, his hands were cupped towards him 

"Hmp, I need a lot more than children's bloodbath to create the perfect body". The master said 

"I believe you took in a new disciple master? Is such a being worthy" 

The master gave a cold smile. "Yes" he turned stretch open his hand as a droplet fell in, "she is such a kind soul destined for greatness, she will be perfect" 

"Hostess? A woman's body?" 

"No, still flawed, still incomplete Hmp" he grinned cynically. "But she will be the key to my goal. A worth servant" 

The man splashes the droplets and they float in the reflection showing Ning Yuan and Ning Jie playing. 

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